by Rick Baker
On Sep 30, 2010
And, this introduction to Chapter 3 follows:
At the end of this chapter, you'll know and be able to use the following:
- Key ways to engage the primal part of the human brain
- Core mechanisms the brain uses to determine whether to pay attention to your message
- The three ways in which the brain can be frustrated, and how to avoid them in your marketing
- The four triggers the brain loves and how to use them in marketing”
When I first saw this book on the shelf at Chapters I couldn't believe my good was like Made to Stick[1] meets Executive BrainSmarts[2] or like Jeffrey Gitomer, Napoleon Hill, and Sigmund Freud might be having a little get-together.
Anyhow, Chapter 3 continues with 'Caveman In A Wired World'. And, that reminded me of the message I was trying to communicate when I wrote about the cave-people in Stories & Questions[3].
Dr. Pradeep ends Chapter 3 with a summary of what we learned. Here is some of that summary:
- Honor the brain's precious resources - its limited processing ability, and its restricted, focused attention
- Be interesting. The brain loves puzzles and humor
- Use emotion to reach out to consumers, especially women
- Clear your message of clutter
- Use active, direct verbs to guide the brain swiftly and directly to its goal
- Indulge the brain in messaging, images, displays, and environments that celebrate sensuality and deep pleasure
- Celebrate the multi-tasking wizardry of your female consumers in images and copy
- Provide networking opportunities through your brand, product, or environment for female consumers
Dr. Pradeep has written a very interesting book.