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About Relevant Brands

by Rick Baker
On Dec 22, 2010
Many of us spend a lot of time thinking about Business Development.
We think about Marketing & Sales, we think about Communication, and we think about Branding.
We know business-development things that are working.
We know things that worked at one time but no longer work now.
We keep our eyes open for thoughts and ideas on how we can improve what we are doing.
Here is something I read recently about branding1
 “Relevant brands understand certain principles:
  • Insight. Relevant brands care about what we actually do, not just what we think2.
  • Innovation. Relevant brands know the difference between what is purely remarkable and what actually works.
  • Investment. Relevant brands understand the imperative of sparing no expense when it comes to satisfying our needs.
  • Design. Relevant brands live and breathe simplicity3.
  • Experience. Relevant brands realize that it is more important to touch us in real life than on television.
  • Value. Relevant brands are more than worth every penny4.
  1. `Relevance, Making Stuff That Matters`, Tim Manners (2008)
  2. This aligns with Spirited Leaders` definition of Integrity
  3. This aligns with Spirited Leaders` philosophy Seeking Simple
  4. Our business contains Value when Clients know we deliver Value to them. This aligns with Spirited Leaders` philosophy V-C-C-V



Comments (1) -

rick baker
1/22/2013 8:08:18 PM #

Elements of a Brand

• Core Essence: The “nucleus” of the brand: Who are you?
• Architecture: specific benefits the brand delivers: What do people buy?
• Positioning and Value Proposition: understanding what motivates consumers or customers within a defined competitive space: Why do people buy your brand?
• Reputation: the brand’s perceived ability to deliver its value proposition: What do people say about your brand?

Timothy R. Pearson
'The Old Rules Of Marketing Are Dead - Six New Rules', (2011)

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