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Feel Better – Inspire People – Grow Profits

by Rick Baker
On Aug 16, 2011
Business Leader
How do you feel?
We have found: if you generally feel good then you have a greater chance to inspire followers and you have a greater chance to achieve the business profits you desire.
Feel Better – Inspire People – Grow Profits
The first step – measure your feelings.
We recommend leaders use a Minus10-to-Plus10 Scale, where:
  • A Score of Minus10 means I feel absolutely horrible, couldn’t be feeling any worse than this
  • A Score of means I don’t register any good feelings or bad feelings 
  • A Score of Plus10 means I am absolutely ecstatic, never been more pumped up in my life
People will score their feelings higher some days. Some activities will receive higher scores than others. Some situations will cause the score to rise. Some situations will cause the score to drop. When situations change the score could change radically…for example, consider the impact of surprises…pleasant surprises tend to generate good/positive feelings, not-so-pleasant surprises tend to generate bad/negative feelings.
No business leader scores Plus10 all day long. Rather, under normal business situations, leaders’ feelings fluctuate between a high and a low. And, over time their feelings fluctuate above and below their average score. Leaders who are truly happy sorts tend to feel better about almost everything they experience during their workdays. So, their average scores are high. They might assess themselves at an average score of Plus8.
Stress tends to reduce scores.
When leaders experience sustained high-stress levels their scores can drop significantly….and remain low, perhaps even in Minus territory.
When a leader’s score drops the leader becomes less productive and frequently this is clearly evident to the leader’s people, clients, suppliers, and business allies. That has a negative impact on business. And, that has a negative impact on business profitability.
Our goal is: to help business leaders feel even better.
Feel Better – Inspire People – Grow Profits


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | INSPIRE PEOPLE - GROW PROFITS! | Measure & Monitor

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