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Demystify Business Process - Inspire People - Grow Profits

by Rick Baker
On Dec 16, 2013

Business Contains only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations


And there are only 3 types of business processes: Simple, Complicated, & Complex.

Here's a good way to visualize the 3 types...

When you boil things down, each business process contains a sequence of tasks...

Some argue this way of looking at Processes is too simplistic. They argue that their business lives are over-full of intertwined 'things'...they say things like, "Sure there are tasks but there are also lots of other things that cannot be expressed in simple words like 'Tasks'." The fact is, that just isn't true. When people argue against the simplicity of the above pictures, for example, they are expressing sounds and words in sequences known as sentences.

We can define syllables as verbal steps or tasks which combine in sequences to create words which, in turn, combine in sequences to create sentences which, in turn, combine in sequences to create paragraphs which, in turn, combine in sequences to create arguments which, in turn, combine in sequences with other things to complete a communication process.

Similarly, all physical activity is comprised of sequences of small steps which we can call Tasks.

Think about everything you do...is it not true that when you take the time to think about it, everything can be broken down into steps [which can be thought of as Tasks].

You might ask, "What' the point?"

You might ask, "What's In It For ME?"

You might ask, "WHY should I spend a bit of time getting comfortable with simple straightforward thoughts & pictures around Business Tasks and Business Processes?"

Here's WHY

When you look at Business Actions as sequences of Tasks you demystify Business Processes.

And that's a good thing. With the help of simple 'models' you will reduce frustration levels at your business. You will improve communication at your business. You will expand your people's ability to Take Talent to Task.

You will inspire your people. You will influence their action in clear, forward directions. You will grow profits.

So -

Demystify discussion of tasks & processes and energize performance & profits.


PS: About the difference between SIMPLE, COMPLICATED, & COMPLEX processes.

As the saying goes...

  • When you follow a cake-box recipe and bake a cake - that's a SIMPLE process.
  • When NASA sends a man to walk on the moon and returns him safely to Earth - that's a COMPLICATED process.
  • And raising children - well, that's a COMPLEX process.


Definitions - Spirited Words Defined

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