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The Wonderful World of Sales

by Rick Baker
On Nov 25, 2011

As you can see from my book reviews, I just read a sales book and re-read an old one.

The two books are called:

Stop Whining! Start Selling!

Profit-Producing Strategies for Explosive Sales Results


Stop Selling & Do Something Valuable


Stop whining, start selling, stop selling, & do something valuable.

What end's up & what's a salesperson to do?

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Sales.

No end to the sales advice...almost all of which is good advice.


Question: Why so much appetite for sales advice?

Answer: Because, for most folks Sales just keep getting tougher and tougher.


I am working at creating a simple & fool-proof recipe to help Salespeople.

Here are the primary ingredients in my Sales-Success Recipe:

  1. A compelling and precise answer to this question: 'Why are you in a Sales role?'
  2. A definite Purpose...a clear picture of a Career Goal.
  3. An emphatic commitment to Self-Discipline.
  4. A commitment to Life-Long Learning...about People.
  1. The answer to the question 'Why are you in a Sales role?' is always 'telling'. Few answers cut the mustard. So, we need to keep our eyes and ears open for the answers that do cut the mustard. [All the less-than-acceptable answers signal future failure in the making.]
  2. Sales must be done 'on Purpose'...it is as simple as that.
  3. Self-discipline is essential because Sales roles tug at the Salesperson's emotions and emotions pull and shake Salespeople every which way but rarely point them in the successful direction.
  4. Life-Long Learning about People...remembering, People really do want to buy...buying stuff - well that's a perk enjoyed by most human beings.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Sales

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