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"Time" Management

by Rick Baker
On Mar 6, 2012

First of all, I believe we all understand we cannot manage time. We cannot slow down clocks or speed them up...the ticking of the clocks was agreed upon and set by our scientific forefathers long before we were born.

We can, however, manage our thoughts and our actions. We can manage the energy consumed by our thoughts and actions.

Managing our energy, that's an important thing to do.

I don't think too many people would argue with that last point.

Manage your energy!

That's good advice.


Related to managing your energy, here are some questions to consider.

Per day, on average, how much time do you spend:

  • 100% concentrating/focusing on a single task?
  • concentrating on a single task, as best you can, while being interrupted by people, thoughts, noises, etc?
  • multi-tasking?
  • stewing about things that happened in the past?
  • being annoyed by things other people do?
  • being instructed by people who have authority over you?
  • giving instructions to people who follow you?
  • worrying about things that could happen in the future?
  • getting present?
  • meditating?
  • thinking or saying - "There are not enough hours in the day"?
  • learning how to focus and concentrate?
You have energy.
You can only use it 2 ways:
  1. Thinking
  2. Acting
The next level of detail...
You can only use your energy 4 ways:
  1. Thinking in a manner that aligns with your Goals
  2. Thinking in a manner that does not align with your Goals
  3. Acting in a manner that aligns with your Goals.
  4. Acting in a manner that does not align with your Goals.
These apply regardless of how clear or how fuzzy your Goals may be.
These are the 4 ways you use your energy.
These are the 4 ways you spend your time.
You can, by doing #1, choose the right 'balance' of these 4 ways...
...or you can not do that.
To the extent you choose and do #1 you can maximize #3, make the best use of your energy, and spend your time in a way you define as - well.... as in time well spent.
Really, what would you rather say...
"That was time well spent."
"There are not enough hours in the day."

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