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Chapter 3

by Rick Baker
On May 29, 2012

If you have not read Chapter 1 or Chapter 2 then check out the chapters of 'A Book' at this link 


Having completed Chapter 2, you should have a picture in your mind that looks like this:

The picture shows how your feelings are described within a range while you are at work and it shows how you normally feel at work. Check your range to make sure it does not include your absolute best or worst feelings. The intent is to capture how you feel 90-plus% of the time...but not 100%. Stated another way, we want the range to include feelings that have a 90-plus% likelihood of being experienced in the future.

Now, consider the "Low" and "High" ends of the range and the "Norm". Test them for reasonableness.

Focus, one at a time, on the following 3 things:

  1. Where is your range situated on the Minus10-to-Plus10 Scale?
  2. How broad is your range?
  3. Where does your Norm sit within your range?

If you are comfortable with doing it then ask a trusted friend, co-worker or boss to check your range and Norm...do they agree with these 3 aspects of your self-assessment?

When this is done think about how satisfied you are with your Low, your Norm, and your High. 

If you are truly satisfied then - terrific.

If your scores do not satisfy you then you have some options.

You could:

  • Determine how to become satisfied with your Low, Norm, and High
  • Determine how to raise at least one of your Low, Norm, or High

Those are the fundamental choices you should consider.

If you are like most people then you would like to enjoy work more. After all, you are spending a large amount of your waking hours at work...it makes sense to enjoy that time as much as you can. To accomplish that you can reduce the amount and extent of negative feelings or expand the amount and extent of positive feelings. 

With your range of feelings established with 'Low' and 'High' points and your feelings 'Norm' established you have benchmarks to help you accomplish those objectives.




A Book | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Measure & Monitor

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