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What’s New With You?

by Rick Baker
On Dec 23, 2014

Do you intentionally try new things, explore new group, embrace your natural curiosity and creativity?


"Of all the things you seek to control in life, it turns out that one of the most important ones is the introduction of new."

"Bottom line: setting your sights on enjoying new experiences regularly is one of the greatest ways to remain fully engaged, energized, and enthusiastic throughout your lifetime."

Brendon Burchard, 'The Charge', (2012)

When you really stop to think about it, people only do 3 things. People do good habits, bad habits, and new things. Everything we do can be placed into one of those 3 categories. I we use these simple categories and think about the things we do then we can quickly identify ways to improve our actions…and do a better job of aiming our actions toward success. And, as Brendon Burchard says, “new things” are the route to positive energy and positive feelings.

How do new things help you remain fully engagedenergized, and enthusiastic?

You can do New Things to displace Bad HabitsBad Habits, by definition, feel bad. They feel bad because they are not aligned with your goals. They distract you from your goals and that reduces the likelihood of you achieving your goals. New Things provide information. You can test New Things to determine if they are taking you closer to your goals. Some New Things will take you closer to your goals. If you repeat them then they become Good Habits, which by definition feel good.  

When you feel good you are engaged in thoughts and action...you are energized. When you feel really good you are enthusiastic. 

New Things provide the bridges and paths from Bad Habits to Good Habits.

New Things provide the way to make adjustments so you achieve your goals.

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