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Confidence provides the building blocks for Relationships

by Rick Baker
On Nov 27, 2015

I was about 30 years old when I learned that specific actions can be taken to build Confidence. I learned this from books, not directly from people.

Perhaps, that's unusual? Perhaps, most people learn about plans and actions for Confidence at a much earlier age? Perhaps, most people learn about plans and actions for Confidence through direct conversations with other people?

I did not...plans and actions for Confidence building just wasn't something people I knew discussed. And, it wasn't something I thought through and figured out on my own.

Likely, my experience is not singular; I expect some, perhaps many, people do not know planned actions can bolster Confidence.

This Thought Post is for those people...and for others who may need a reminder.

There are many ways to build Confidence.

Here is a summary-introduction to one example, from the work of Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Les Hewitt in their book 'The Power of Focus', (2000).

Six Confidence-Building Strategies

  1. Every day remind yourself that you did some things well: give yourself a mental pep talk at the beginning of the day
  2. Read inspiring biographies and autobiographies: build a file of the stories that inspire you most
  3. Be thankful: focus on the benefits you already enjoy
  4. Build excellent support around you: excellent relationships will boost you
  5. Push yourself to accomplish short-term goals: get things done
  6. Do something for yourself every week: celebrate your accomplishments


Confidence is one of Spirited Leaders Values. When Confidence is healthy good things happen.

Here is a link to Spirited Leaders' definition of Confidence.

Here is a link to one of our favourite inspiring stories about Confidence.

The words above were first posted January 24, 2012

Very recently, I reached the conclusion that confidence provides the building blocks for relationships. Confidence is the necessary starting ingredient for relationships. Without confidence there can be no ground for trust and without trust productive relationships are either not possible or quite uncomfortable. 


STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Values: Personal Values

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