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Where egos have landed...

by Rick Baker
On Aug 2, 2016

When we decide to change our reactions to other people...and we decide to temper our egos…for the better...then the past will be left in the past. 

When we decide to change the way we react to other people…for the better…we are doing it with the present and for the future. We must leave the past in the past. We must get present. Also, we must maintain images of a better future in our minds.

When we decide to improve our dealings with other people, we illustrate we have learned from past experiences. And, we open our minds to obtain even-more-important education, which lies in the present and then in the future.

We believe our past experiences provide guidance about future outcomes – we believe, to a degree, in ‘cause and effect’. But we know it is limiting to rely too heavily on the past as a definite predictor of the future.

We know - far more people agonize over the past than learn positive things from it. Somehow, rumination is a magnetic trap. So, it's best to think about our steps before we walk them.

We know – it can be a challenge to get present. As wise men have taught us, thoughts come in streams of consciousness and, often, many of those thoughts are negative and attention-distracting.

We know – it is easy to worry about things and difficult if not impossible to predict things…especially future things.  Regardless, where our egos have landed safely and comfortably we hold faith our actions will cause the building of stronger relationships.


Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich

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