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Who's motivating whom?

by Rick Baker
On Jun 21, 2013

Definition: What do we mean when we, in the business world, say: motivation? Generally, when we say motivation we mean something like: the desire and willingness to do some action, with enthusiasm. That’s the motivation I am talking about here.

Differing Views: For many years I have heard torturous, conflicting, and bi-polar views on motivation. Some people think every person is self-motivated. Some people think we motivate one another. Some people think both of these are true. Some people change their views of motivation as the situation changes….like, blowing with the wind on the restless seas. And, the rest of the people don’t have a clue.

Accurate Thinking: People are self-motivated.

Rocky Balboa provides a good example...People are self-motivated. If they are not self-motivated then they are not motivated. Yes, from time to time even the most self-motivated people slip up and lose confidence and drive. When that happens they, being human, need support in the form of good coaching and mentoring. And, soon, they react well to that coaching and support. Yes - they benefit from the support of other people. Regardless, their motivation comes from within. As one local CEO said, You can`t coach heart



PS: If you don`t like the Rocky example, consider Muhammad Ali (one of my real-life heroes).


Thought Tweet #750

by Rick Baker
On May 31, 2013

Thought Tweet #750 Curiosity, Moderation & Variety are the archenemies of Bad Habits.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Q: Why are certain habits called Bad Habits

A: Because they reduce the ability to achieve our Goals?

Q: How might we change our Bad Habits for the better?

A: Consciously, practice Curiosity, think and act with Moderation, & expand your exposure to Variety.

Cutting Through The Confusion: Seeing Good Qualities in People

by Rick Baker
On May 30, 2013

Intertwined with our spirits and minds, each of us possesses 3 human qualities: Drive, Intelligence, and Self-Control.


Drive has 2 components: Emotions, which are hereditary vestiges, and Desires, which come in two forms - pleasure/gratification seeking and pain/difficulty avoidance.

Put another way:

  • Emotions are subconscious drives inherent in us, and all other human beings, designed to protect us from danger. Each of us has to figure out how to cope with Emotions.
  • Desires are aimed at achieving positive rewards and avoiding negative outcomes. Desires are conscious drives, specific to each of us and linked to each individual's Intelligence and Self-Control....and Goals.


Intelligence has 4 components:

  • Self-Knowledge, 
  • Innate Talent, 
  • Knowledge about People, and 
  • Wisdom covering self and interactions with other People in Situations

Intelligence spans a wide range from the rational/logical to the irrational/emotional...with feelings dancing in between.

Each of us experiences Intelligence 2 ways, and only 2 ways:

  1. by Thinking &
  2. by Taking Action.


Self-Control seems to be a thing played out between spirit and mind....between logic and emotion...between right and wrong...between Good Habits and Bad Habits, between short- and long-term goals. Self-Control is much easier said than done. Coupled with clarity of thought, Self-Control (power of will) presents to each of us an exquisite & life-long series of mind-challenges.

Thought Tweet #741

by Rick Baker
On May 20, 2013

Thought Tweet #741 Over 2000 years ago, Roman Stoics developed the habit of waiting a day before beating slaves who had erred.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Speaking of Good Habits & Constructive Criticism...

If those ancient Romans could have that kind of self-control, just think what 21st Century business people could accomplish if they put their minds to it!

2 Simple Tools: 1 for Thinking, 1 for Action....both for Communicating.

by Rick Baker
On May 10, 2013

Edward de Bono is one of my heroes. In my opinion, he is the world's greatest creative thinking educator.

I have written about Edward de Bono and his 'Six Thinking Hats'...'Six Thinking Hats' is an extremely helpful tool for sorting out your thinking and for communicating with others about thinking.

Here's a picture-summary:

Edward de Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats'



I have a de Bono section in my library. My goal is to collect and red all his books. That's a challenge because he has been prolific, writing well over 50 books. I have just completed reading de Bono's 'Six Action Shoes', (1991). 'Six Action Shoes' is an extremely helpful tool for sorting out your actions and for communicating with others about actions.

Here's a picture-summary:

Edward de Bono's 'Six Action Shoes'

These thinking and action tools provide excellent ways to Seek Simple....a Spirited Leaders' philosophy. When thinking can be summarized in 6 ways...that's seeking simple. When action can be summarized in 6 ways...that's seeking simple. And, that's why Edward de Bono is so amazing. He has been able to unleash his genius [and help others do the same] because he is the master in simplifying before choosing how to think, simplifying before choosing how to act, and knowing when and how to be creative. In other books, he illustrates exactly how to be creative. [Our recent thought post 'Taking Curiosity to Creativity' contains de Bono's signature contribution - lateral thinking.]

Now, Seek Simple is one of Spirited Leaders' core philosophies...another is:

Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations

Much has been posted about People, Process, & Situations.

Now we will show how Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats and Six Action Shoes can be incorporated.

Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations. 

Here's the picture...

A snapshot in time during your business day - that's what we mean by Situations. That snapshot will contain people [at least 1, you] and it will contain process [at least 1, your thinking]. Process either involves People or machines/mechanisms/tools [designed by People]. For the time being, let's concentrate on the Processes performed by People. There are only 2 types of Processes performed by People: Thinking and Action. If we embrace de Bono's tools, the Processes performed by People have 12 components: 6 ways of thinking and 6 ways of taking action.

In any Situation, People can decide which of the 12 things they will perform.

Here's the picture...


Those are good questions to ask!

[That's Seeking Simple and finding it.]

[That makes for one very Good Habit.]

Thought Tweet #731

by Rick Baker
On May 6, 2013

Thought Tweet #731 In days of old, fear made us fit and functional. Now, with many options as close as our remote, we rarely allow that.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Fear is the part of the human condition that provides us a fighting [or flighting] chance to survive. In tougher-times-of-old, fear-triggered physiological changes pumped blood to our arms so we could fight and to our legs so we could run. 


Rather than fight we take out our aggression on a big bowl of popcorn while watching GSP doing MMA on PPV.

And, rather than run we calm our troubled minds by watching Honey Boo Boo reruns.

Now, more often than not, fear bypasses our arm and leg muscles and finds its way to our bellies and hips.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.