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What do you think about the "Law of Attraction"?

by Rick Baker
On Aug 13, 2015

Some people believe the Law of Attraction [is a, if not the, fundamental law of the Universe. The Law is often described in terms of Universal Mind or Universal Intelligence.  Many thoughtful people believe there is a fundamental/universal/spiritual law that permeates everything in the Universe, including the people on planet Earth. 

These people believe this law is pervasive - at the core of everything: it is a law of Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence. These people believe this law knows no boundaries:

  • It is all-powerful
  • It is all-knowing
  • It is everywhere

A number of proponents of this ‘fundamentalist’ Law of Attraction viewpoint have made claims about scientific verification where the human sub/unconscious 'mind' is the conduit between Universal Intelligence and (conscious) human thought.  In summary, they believe if we can control our conscious thought and direct it toward our long-term goals then after much repetition our subconscious mind will link with Universal Intelligence and deliver to us the things we think about. 

The Law of Attraction is a double-edged sword. If we think about the worthwhile things tied to our long-term goals then we receive those worthwhile things and achieve our long-term goals. Conversely, if we think fearful and worrisome thoughts then we attract and bring to ourselves those things we fear and worry about.  Integral to this viewpoint is the conclusion that Universal Intelligence has no filter and our thoughts are connected to unlimited consequences, both good and bad.

Three early 20th-Century examples:



Charles Haanel, American New-Thought Author and Philosopher (1866-1949)

Author of ‘The Master Key’ (circa 1917)



Napoleon Hill, American New-Thought and Personal-Success Author (1883-1970)

author of ‘The Law of Success’ (1925) and ‘Think and Grow Rich’ (1937)



Robert Collier, American New-Thought and Self-Help Author (1885-1950)

Author of ‘The Secret of the Ages’ (1926)


These early-20th Century authors believed strongly in the natural-state spiritual aspects of the Law of Attraction as described above…and to various degrees they believed the Law of Attraction was founded on scientific proof. These authors brought their religious beliefs to bear, some of their master works link the Law of Attraction to the teachings of Jesus as written the Christian Bible.

One highlight about each of those early-20th Century authors:

  • Charles Haanel presented a wonderful process for improving focus and concentration
  • Napoleon Hill served as U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s special assistant for many years, at $1/year…perhaps, Hill coined the ‘we have nothing to fear but fear itself’ message?
  • Robert Collier, from the famous Collier publishing family, believed the Law of Attraction could be called upon to overcome death

Other people, for example Esther Hicks [with the help of her husband Jerry and a multi-faceted supernatural entity she called ‘Abraham’], presented following-generation examples of Law of Attraction beliefs and messages.  




Esther Hicks, American Inspirational Author (1948- present)...with husband, Jerry

Author of ‘The Law of Attraction – The Teachings of Abraham’ (2007)


And, most-recently Deepak Chopra has expanded upon the scientific aspects by presenting physics-based explanations…information stored in waves...essentially saying that the vibrations of thought permeate the cosmos - omniscient, omnipresent and perhaps omnipotent.



Deepak Chopra, Indian-born, American Author (1947-present)



The Law of Attraction...I have read much about this...I have personal views...and I am very interested in other people's views.

The Law of Attraction...a feel-good thought or a Fundamental Universal Law?

  • What do you think?
  • Do you believe in the Law of Attraction?
  • If so, how do you define it?
  • Do you consider your Law of Attraction beliefs to be a solely spiritual [faith-based] or are they science-proven beliefs?





Breaking Bad...Habits

by Rick Baker
On Aug 11, 2015

First of all, this is not going to be about breaking bad habits. It's going to be about replacing bad habits. If you insist on breaking bad habits then I’d suggest you use good-old-fashioned interrogation tactics like tying them to a chair, depriving them of water and nourishment, shining bright lights in their eyes, and beating them into submission. But, breaking bad habits - that’s a topic for another day.

About replacing Bad Habits…

If you want to replace your bad habits then the first step is to understand everyone has habits. Then you must understand, one way or another, everyone fills up all the time in their lives. And, for the vast majority of people the time available to them [the time in their lives] is filled with habits – habits of thought and habits of action.  People's time is for the most part filled with either thoughts or actions...nothing more, nothing less.... just thoughts and actions. 

To the extent people’s thoughts and actions are aligned with their long-term goals the thoughts and actions are ‘good’. To the extent people’s thoughts and actions are not aligned with their long-term goals the thoughts and actions are ‘bad’. At least, that's our definition. 

Should you be thinking, right now, that some of your thoughts and actions have nothing to do with long-term goals then you must conclude those questionable thoughts and actions are ‘bad’, because chances are very high they are ‘bad’ [rather than ‘good’]. In those rare instances when you are trying something ‘new’ – when you are experimenting with new thoughts or actions – you should see those thoughts and actions as ‘new things’…’new things’ waiting to be categorized as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

Regardless, you are primarily a creature of habits and most of your thoughts and actions are either ‘bad habits’ or ‘good habits’. For most people, ‘bad habits’ outmuscle ‘good habits’ and consume most of their owner’s time…for some reason, it is easier to slip into and to repeat habits when they are on the ‘bad’ side of our long-term goals.

Generally, ‘bad habits’ consume the vast majority of people’s time. That’s why the vast majority of people fail to achieve their claimed long-term goals.

For successful people, good habits occur for a sufficient amount of time to bring about the achievement of long-term goals.

When you consider your time, your thoughts, and your actions this way you can quickly see that success happens when people are able to keep their ‘bad habits’ under control and maximize the amount of time they spend doing ‘good habits’.

The key, as most self-help gurus confirm, is the learn how to replace your ‘bad thoughts’ with ‘good thoughts’.

The framework, is described above:

  • Set some long-term goals because, without them, you will have no ‘good habits’
  • Monitor your thoughts and classify them as either ‘good’ or bad’
  • Work at replacing your ‘bad thoughts’ with ‘good thoughts’. This will require much practice…more than learning to ride a bicycle…more than mastering piano playing…more than pumping up 18” biceps. After all, we are talking about your wonderfully-complex brain here.


Doing the right things - really, Whats that all about?

by Rick Baker
On Jul 28, 2015

Many people talk about doing the right thing.

Many people talk about doing the right thing at the right time…that’s even better.

There seems to be a consensus: when we do the right things at the right times we gain advantage…we grow…we meet goals…we succeed.

So – we understand WHY there is value in doing the right things at the right times.

And – much time and effort has been spent exchanging ideas about WHAT are those right things, WHO should do those right things, and WHEN are those right times.

However – one major piece is missing…the HOW.

For example – has anyone ever presented to you the opinion, “Before you can do the right thing at the right time you must think the right thing.”

And, in reaction to that statement you may have thought, “That’s a bit of a confusing thing to say.” And, you may have asked, “Can you explain that comment?”

And following more discussion you understood…

Most of the time we think without thinking about thinking. Our minds are bombarded by unplanned, haphazard thoughts. And, haphazard thoughts frequently are the causes behind our actions.

Considering the extent of unplanned thoughts, it is no wonder we often fail to do the right things at the right times.

That is the first part of the problem.

The second part of the problem: When we have not done the right things we think about how to justify our flawed actions. We know, at least subconsciously, we are ‘making excuses’ for our haphazard thoughts/actions. And, we know we are ‘making excuses’ for not doing the right things at the right times. And – everyone around us knows this too.

When personal growth [of any form] is desired, it is important to embrace the power contained in, “Before you can do the right thing at the right time you must think the right thing.”

When change is personal growth [of any form] is desired, it is important to embrace the power contained in, “Before you can do the right thing at the right time you must think the right thing.”

Live & Learn

by Rick Baker
On Jun 18, 2015

When it comes to predicting future performance, the best advice comes from past performance. If there is no advice to be heard from past performance then you know you have no true guidance. And, you understand some exploration is required…some testing is required. Only when testing and measuring is complete will you be able to obtain advice from past performance.


Measure & Monitor | Solutions & Opportunities | Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich

About choosing to develop Self-Control

by Rick Baker
On May 4, 2015

How often do you think about your Intelligence & your Self-Control?

Every human being possesses the seeds of intelligence and self-control at birth. To a certain degree, and the degree varies from person to person, we develop these two abilities over time. The amount of intelligence and self-control we develop determines the extent we are able to express our strengths

It takes drive to develop your Intelligence.

It takes drive to develop your Self-Control.

It takes even more drive to develop both Intelligence & Self-Control.

And, drive consumes energy. Drive consumes energy as it formulates thoughts in your brain. Drive consumes more energy as it converts those thoughts into action.

And, in many situations, drive consumes large amounts of energy when it converts thoughts into the non-action required when your willpower is called upon to limit behavior to satisfy your Self-Control goal.

What is your Self-Control goal?

Oh, you’ve not set a Self-Control goal.

That’s not a surprise.

Most people do not view Self-Control as a ‘general’ stand-alone trait/ability. Most people only consider Self-Control as it can be applied in ‘specific’ situations. Most people do not cross-pollinate their specific and relatively small Self-Control wins.

Most people do not set the Self-Control bar high enough.

You do not have to be like most people.

It is a matter of choice.

Self-Control, one of our greatest gifts, is a matter of choice.

What Self-Control do you choose?

Putting a finger on your entrepreneurial pulse

by Rick Baker
On Apr 20, 2015

A few years ago, I wrote a little piece titled “Driven to Construction”. It considered the 3 forces that drive entrepreneurs:

  1. A burning desire to achieve,
  2. A burning desire to create and build things of value, &
  3. A need to be recognized as a different type of contributor.

Some key thoughts:

Entrepreneurs are driven to innovate and construct products and services; entrepreneurs are absorbed in creating new products and services, which must contain value for others. Invention on its own is not enough. Inventors are a different breed of cat. Innovators make adjustments to existing ‘methods & ways’ in order to deliver new forms of value to other people, especially clients.

Entrepreneurial drive may contain an inventor flavour; entrepreneurial drive must contain an innovation flavour.

Entrepreneurial drive is a most-important source of economic growth. Entrepreneurial drive is a key to re-energizing economic growth and to sustaining economic growth. Entrepreneurial drive is fundamental to individual businesses’ health and wealth.

The entrepreneurial dilemma...it is difficult to institutionalize the entrepreneurial way of doing business. In other words, the entrepreneur has it but has trouble passing it on to others. In fact, it seems impossible to generate an entrepreneurial spirit in someone who doesn't possess the 3 forces outlined above.

So, if you are an Entrepreneur and you are having difficulty spreading it to others then consider their internal drivers:

  1. Are they Achievers?
  2. Are they Builders?
  3. Do they stand out as Different?

Achievers: the existence of the drive is more important than its specific direction...it is much easier to focus or re-focus a strong drive to achieve than it is to create a strong drive to achieve.

Builders: the existence of the drive is more important than its object...it is much easier to focus or re-focus a strong drive to build than it is to create a strong drive to build.

Different: many entrepreneurs are odd characters, who are very comfortable with the fact they are not viewed as standard/normal/average people. They notice how others perceive them. They are motivated if not delighted by the fact they are viewed as a different type of contributor.

More about the entrepreneurial dilemma…many entrepreneurs and many organizations struggle to build a culture of entrepreneurship. Some people, including some entrepreneurs and leaders, argue it is not even possible to build such a culture because entrepreneurs are born, not made. Regardless, few deny the pace of business-change is fast and innovation is an essential ingredient of business success. So, whether or not your business culture becomes truly entrepreneurial or falls short of that mark, it is essential to focus on building a culture that promotes innovation:

  • Innovation that allows your business to attract and impress ideal clients
  • Innovation that breeds confidence greater than that possessed by your competition
  • Innovation that maximizes your people’s ability to be self-motivated

To do this, take a close look at yourself and take a close look at your key people. Never lose track of the fact that small adjustments within the leadership team can generate positive change throughout an organization.

As you take a close look at yourself and the people on your leadership team consider:

These 3 attributes are the vital ingredients. Seek them out. Build on them. 

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.