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When I fight anxiety anxiety always wins.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 15, 2016

While pondering the strategies for getting beyond anxiety, somehow a John [Cougar] Mellencamp song popped into my mind…but the words had changed.

When I fight anxiety anxiety always wins.


Why does anxiety win when people fight it?

I suppose there are arguments about deepening the brain ruts carved out by negative thoughts – our ruminations and worries, because they are laced with emotion and repeated, tend to dig deep ruts. Perhaps, fighting them expands the weight of emotion? Perhaps, it’s as simple as resistance causes more repetition?

Regardless, when it comes to anxiety, resistance is futile.

When you fight anxiety anxiety always wins.

So, when anxiety visits you, do not fight it. Instead, find ways to break the patterns of thoughts and actions you [intentionally and unintentionally] perform in reaction to anxiety.

Don’t fight to break the reactionary cycles that deepen the ruts caused by anxiety. Instead of fighting, think and act in new ways that are designed to disrupt the cycles. Make sure you only use non-violent methods. Accept anxiety as a natural part of life. And, accept the fact anxieties tend to exaggerate themselves. Don’t fight the exaggeration…just observe it…after the fact….then in real time.

When you don't fight anxiety anxiety weakens. 

When anxiety weakens anxiety doesn't always win. 

When anxiety doesn't win it eases its grip on you.

Anxiety often becomes the Arch-Enemy of Success

by Rick Baker
On Jan 13, 2016

Anxiety is a natural state of mind...a most-powerful state of mind....perhaps, the most-powerful state of mind.

Anxiety is a natural gift, protecting us from danger because it makes us attentive to real dangers.

If uncontrolled, it can become a major problem. Anxiety has the power to remove our ability to succeed because it makes us fear imaginary dangers.

Anxiety is a sharp double-edged sword, capable of cutting our performance in many ways.

To succeed - to achieve our goals - we must work at controlling our sword-gift, Anxiety.


About choosing to develop Self-Control- a Thought Post from May 4, 2015

How often do you think about your Intelligence & your Self-Control?

Every human being possesses the seeds of intelligence and self-control at birth. To a certain degree, and the degree varies from person to person, we develop these two abilities over time. The amount of intelligence and self-control we develop determines the extent we are able to express our strengths

It takes drive to develop your Intelligence.

It takes drive to develop your Self-Control.

It takes even more drive to develop both Intelligence & Self-Control.

And, drive consumes energy. Drive consumes energy as it formulates thoughts in your brain. Drive consumes more energy as it converts those thoughts into action.

And, in many situations, drive consumes large amounts of energy when it converts thoughts into the non-action required when your willpower is called upon to limit behavior to satisfy your Self-Control goal.

What is your Self-Control goal?

Oh, you’ve not set a Self-Control goal.

That’s not a surprise.

Most people do not view Self-Control as a ‘general’ stand-alone trait/ability. Most people only consider Self-Control as it can be applied in ‘specific’ situations. Most people do not cross-pollinate their specific and relatively small Self-Control wins.

Most people do not set the Self-Control bar high enough.

You do not have to be like most people.

It is a matter of choice.

Self-Control, one of our greatest gifts, is a matter of choice.

What Self-Control do you choose?


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Thinking as in Think and Grow Rich


by Rick Baker
On Dec 14, 2015

Before you can accurately measure you must learn to observe.

Isn’t it interesting that we have been taught much about measuring, using tape measures etc., yet we have been taught little about how to observe. Observing is an art-skill that apparently goes without saying so it is mostly left to chance.

We rarely teach how to see [use our eyes], hear [use our ears], or feel [use our sense of touch].

We rarely teach how those ‘senses’ work with our brains to deliver information to our minds.

For example - enhanced civilization has brought to us nano-accuracy in measurements...coupled with the inability to identify trees and their flowers or birds and their calls.

Yes – of course we admonish, "Pay Attention!" We began to hear that from figures of authority when we were very young.

We rarely teach anyone How to Pay Attention…

…Let alone Why they ought to Pay Attention.

[For example – Has anyone ever helped you understand the huge advantages you will experience if you understand both Why you should improve your observations and How you can go about learning the good habits of skilled observation?]

And, another key consideration: How can you fully engage and employ your Talents if you lack the skills and habits of observation?

The answer is simple enough: you cannot; in fact, without development of observation skills you cannot even understand your Talents let alone put them to constructive use.

The good news is it is never too late. You may have never received observation education or training. Your children may have never received observation education or training. That is not a problem. That only becomes a problem if you now choose to ignore the need for observation education and training.

Being graphic -

If you choose to think there is no need for improved observation skills then you are wrong-thinking.

If you choose to think there are no methods for improving observation skills then you are wrong-thinking.

If you choose to 'live and let live' or 'live to learn another day' then you are wishful-thinking and setting the stage for life-long mediocrity.




"Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things which are, and to make new things like them."

Marcus Aurelius

Roman Emperor ('Meditations', circa 180 AD)




Knee-jerk Thoughts & Half-Baked Ideas

by Rick Baker
On Oct 26, 2015

Do you think thinking just happens automatically?

Do you think you think well?

Do you find your brain is prone to operate in knee-jerk mode?


Sure, thinking does happen automatically. However, outside of the occasional gem of insight, automatic thinking is the lowest level of thinking.

One way of looking at automatic thought: automatic thought happens when the brain is switched ‘On’ and the mind is switched ‘Off’.

Automatic thought has two forms:

  • True/helpful Insights
  • Knee-jerk Thoughts

True/helpful Insights – we all receive them from time to time. However, they represent a very small portion of our thoughts…for most people true/helpful insights happen so rarely it is reasonable to forecast they make up perhaps 1% of automatic thoughts. The other 99% of automatic thoughts are knee-jerk thoughts.

Knee-jerk Thoughts come in two forms:

  • Automatic Negative Thoughts [Dr. Daniel Amen coined the term ‘ANTs’…link to Thought Posts about ANTs]…ANTs cover a full range of emotion-laced negative thoughts, which often lead to negative actions and inactions: fears, worries, anxieties, bad attitude, etc...and all the bad habits that stem from these negative states of mind
  • Half-baked Ideas…these take our thoughts and actions on wild goose chases, down rabbit holes and up pipe dreams 
Knee-jerk thoughts consume and waste much energy. While it is impossible [and therefore unwise] to try to remove all knee-jerk thoughts, attitudes and outlooks improve when ANTs are controlled and half-baked ideas are tested before they waste too much energy...half-baked ideas need to be 'oven tested'. ANTs respond well to cognitive behavioural therapies. Half-baked ideas respond well when tested under oven-approved recipes that blend in common sense [particularly, wisdom of the ages], open-mindedness, a sense of adventure, and a pinch of creativity.


Is your brain prone to operate in knee-jerk mode?

...might want to work on that.

After all, knee jerks are much different than more sophisticated leg movements such as those involved in walking...let alone running in the right direction.

Improving Attention, Focus, & Concentration --- starting with understanding them

by Rick Baker
On Sep 28, 2015

Spirited definitions...

Attention is when interest is captured.

Concentration is when Attention is narrowed.

Focus is when Concentration is intensified.


Merriam-Webster dictionary:


  • the act or power of carefully thinking about, listening to, or watching someone or something
  • notice, interest, or awareness
  • special care or treatment


  • the ability to give your attention or thought to a single object or activity
  • the ability to concentrate
  • the act of giving your attention to a single object or activity
  • a large amount of something in one place


  • a subject that is being discussed or studied 
  • the subject on which people's attention is focused
  • a main purpose or interest
  • a point at which rays of light, heat, or sound meet or from which they move apart or appear to move apart
  • the point at which an image is formed by a mirror, a lens, etc.


On Purpose, With Willpower – and a willpower development tip

by Rick Baker
On Sep 22, 2015

What awesome power lies in the combination of strong willpower guided by strong definite life-purpose.

Willpower is wonderful, but without proper guidance it consumes energy without purpose.

Definite purpose is wonderful, but without willpower to guide and control action it is unattainable.

When strong and combined, willpower and definite purpose are destined to succeed…and be accompanied by lives well lived.

Are you living on purpose?

Are you living with willpower?

Are you living on purpose with willpower?

If not, why not…

  • Through ignorance...you've never learned about purpose and willpower?
  • Through lack of hope...you do not believe you have the ability to change/determine your fate?
  • Because you doubt purpose and willpower are the key ingredients...you think there is a better way?

published July 21, 2015




Willpower Development Tip

from Frank Channing Haddock, ‘Power of Will’, (1910)


"The effort to overcome an aversion always develops Will."

"Determine that nothing which you must touch more or less habitually shall control the sensation which it produces."

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.