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Leaders & Vivid Vision – #3

by Rick Baker
On Feb 8, 2011
"Success is Clearly in View" - The Leader's vision must be vivid and shared*.
How often do you stop what you are doing, sit back, and quietly ask yourself - “Why am I working?”
I don’t mean, ask yourself - “Why am I doing this piece of work right now?”
I mean, some day you will no longer be working. When that day arrives, what do you hope you will have accomplished?
I mean, asking yourself questions like…“When I stop working
  • how do I want to be remembered?”
  • what will my memoirs say?”
  • what legacy will I leave?
  • who will replace me?
I mean, asking yourself – When will my career end?”
And, asking yourself – How will my career end?”
Obviously, none of us has a crystal ball. None of us can predict the future.
And, for some people the credo is ‘Live For Today’. Those people stopped reading this Thought Post many lines ago.
Leaders have the ability to choose. [That perk comes with the territory.]
Leaders have the ability to choose…and none of us can predict the future.
However, leaders can ‘approach the future’ with intent.
Leaders do that by ‘living the present’ with intent.
Intent opens the door to many powerful things:
  • high self-motivation
  • high self-confidence
  • high self-esteem
  • better ability to attract and connect with other talented people
  • better ability to lead other people
The Power of Intent nurtures Good Habits when the leader (1) has clear Vision of the end point and (2) shares that clear Vision repeatedly with those who follow.
The Power of Intent can only be maximized when the leader has a clear Vision of the end point.
  1. "Success is Clearly in View" - The Leader's vision must be vivid and shared. That’s the title of the 2nd workshop in our 6-workshop Leaders’ Academy series.


Spirited Leaders | Vision: The Leader's Vivid Vision

Sales Tweet #147

by Rick Baker
On Feb 8, 2011
Sales Tweet #147 Ancient sales advice: salesperson better to wear out soles of shoes than seat of pants.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
This has been paraphrased. The original version, I believe translated from Greek around the time of Plato, was: “When a man desires to succeed at the noble profession of sales that man must wear out the soles of his sandals before he wears out the backside of his toga”.


Humour | Sales | Thought Tweets

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