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Thought Tweet #584

by Rick Baker
On Oct 11, 2012

Thought Tweet #584 Mediocrity: living in bad-habit shadows.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Bad Habits follow us like shadows. Bad Habits make us mediocre. We can replace Bad Habits with Good Habits...it's a matter of choice...and commitment & self-discipline.


Habits: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things | Thought Tweets

Simply put - Leaders Must Change!

by Rick Baker
On Oct 11, 2012

If you are a business leader then you must change.

You must change or the following will pass you by:

  • your good people
  • your good clients
  • your good suppliers
  • your competition
  • your goals
Why state so emphatically that all these things will pass by the business leaders who choose not to change?
  1. Only leaders can shake businesses out of these lingering economic doldrums. If your business is volume-stagnant or delivering too-low profit levels then your business is among the many businesses that have been unable to shake off the economic doldrums. If, after several years of struggling, your business has been unable to escape the economic doldrums then change is essential.
  2. Followers will not change unless they perceive leaders are making changes...i.e., followers need to see leaders 'changing by example'. Followers crave quality leadership. If your business has been stalled or suffering then your followers know it. And, they know who to blame - the leader. Followers will not be adventuresome or innovative if they believe the leaders is driving with one foot on the brake. 
  3. Good followers do not follow indecisive leaders. Good followers seek out leaders who can help them expand their knowledge and skills. Good followers want to work in progressive, opportunity-filled workplaces. Good followers look for business teams that have a good chance of winning.
  4. Some leaders will inject change into your business sector. You will either be one of those leaders or you won't - that's up to you - that's your choice. If you are one of those change-leaders then your business will have the opportunity to shake the economic doldrums. If you are not one of those change-leaders then your business will fail...sooner or later.  
"All the leaders I've met, worked with, and read about have had one thing in common. Along the way to becoming practitioners and masters of leadership, they transformed their character."
Dr. Joe MacInnis
'Deep Leadership', (2012)


Change: Creating Positive Change | INSPIRE PEOPLE - GROW PROFITS! | Leaders' Thoughts

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