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Thought Tweet #612

by Rick Baker
On Nov 20, 2012

Thought Tweet #612 One key to success: learn how to create situations that allow people to deliver short-term results.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Big Hairy Audacious Goals  are not for everyone. And, most people deliver their best performances with they are allowed to achieve and celebrate short-term results. 


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Thought Tweets

Who is responsible for your work Situation?

by Rick Baker
On Nov 20, 2012

"Let me hear another sound from you and you'll keep Christmas by losing your situation!"

Ebenezer Scrooge, to his assistant Bob Cratchit, about 170 years ago.

Back in the mid-1800's people like Ebenezer Scrooge used the word "situation" to mean "job". When his well-meaning assistant, Bob Cratchit, annoyed him Scrooge put a quick stop to it be telling Cratchit he would lose his job. In Scrooge's mind, it was very clear who was responsible for Cratchit's situation. The Golden Rule comes to mind, "He who carries the gold makes the rules." That's the way Scrooge went about his business.

Now, when we use the word "situation" we mean:

a snapshot of an instant in business life...the people, the 'props', and the immediate environment

When you go to work, who is responsible for your work Situation?

  • the leader, boss, owner?
  • you?
  • someone else?
  • a blend of the above?
Before you finalize your answer, consider:


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions

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