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Who's motivating whom?

by Rick Baker
On Jun 21, 2013

Definition: What do we mean when we, in the business world, say: motivation? Generally, when we say motivation we mean something like: the desire and willingness to do some action, with enthusiasm. That’s the motivation I am talking about here.

Differing Views: For many years I have heard torturous, conflicting, and bi-polar views on motivation. Some people think every person is self-motivated. Some people think we motivate one another. Some people think both of these are true. Some people change their views of motivation as the situation changes….like, blowing with the wind on the restless seas. And, the rest of the people don’t have a clue.

Accurate Thinking: People are self-motivated.

Rocky Balboa provides a good example...People are self-motivated. If they are not self-motivated then they are not motivated. Yes, from time to time even the most self-motivated people slip up and lose confidence and drive. When that happens they, being human, need support in the form of good coaching and mentoring. And, soon, they react well to that coaching and support. Yes - they benefit from the support of other people. Regardless, their motivation comes from within. As one local CEO said, You can`t coach heart



PS: If you don`t like the Rocky example, consider Muhammad Ali (one of my real-life heroes).


Thought Tweet #765

by Rick Baker
On Jun 21, 2013

Thought Tweet #765 Multi-tasking: Somehow, successful people 'get it'...naturally. Others require much self-discipline & practice. 


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

‘Tools’ are required. 'Atmosphere' is required. 'Support' is required. 'Mentoring' is ideal. And, there is more...

In any event, task-multiing is better than multi-tasking.


Beyond Business | Thought Tweets

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