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Thought Tweet #864.5

by Rick Baker
On Nov 7, 2013

Thought Tweet #864.5 "Men are ruled by toys." [Perhaps, there is joy in things.]


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

My favourite composer, Richard Wagner apparently said, "Joy is not in us, it is in things."

I understand the 'theory' but struggle with the 'practice'.

Many things, some small, trigger joy in me: pocket knives and souvenir coins are examples. More specifically, I get a kick out of my Laguiole jack-knives and my Napoleon Bonaparte coin. [200 years ago Napoleon bought Laguiole knives for his officers...that put the Laguiole company on the map... and their knives still display the 'Bonaparte Bee'.]

Napoleon bought lots of trinkets and toys for his officers.

When his practice of buying toys for his men was questioned, Napoleon replied, "Men are ruled by toys.

I understand the 'theory' and the 'practice'.


Beyond Business | Hero Worship | Thought Tweets

Let's put an end to that "I'm too busy" mindset.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 7, 2013

"I don't have time."

"I'm too busy."

Many people say those things.

I say, "Successful people have more time".

And I say, "I'm too busy" is an extremely unhealthy way to be thinking and talking.

It's a troubled self-image crying out for help.

As Robin Sharma said in 'The Greatness Guide' (2007), "Your schedule doesn't lie". [Just check your schedule. It will confirm you are not too busy.]

Why is "I'm too busy" such a bad mindset?

It's a resignation. It's victim-speak, a victim crying out. It's a person out of control, problems on the verge of happening. It's a negative contagion. I'm-too-busy misery enjoys I'm-too-busy company. After someone says "I'm too busy"...then what happens? Not much because everybody's thinking and talking about nobody having any time.

That's a bunch of Hogwash!

It is not accurate thinking and it is not helpful in any way.

There's nothing good about "I'm too busy".

That's it. That's the problem with "I'm too busy": nothing good ever follows it. Whenever anyone says "I'm too busy" or "I don't have time" nothing good ever follows.

The life of a victim is an unpleasant one.

How to remove "I'm too busy" from your repertoire of excuses:

  1. Stop thinking it.
  2. Stop saying it.
  3. Stop listening to it.
  4. Stop accepting it.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Beyond Business | I'm too busy! - I don't have time!

Thought Tweet #864

by Rick Baker
On Nov 7, 2013

Thought Tweet #864 Influence flows when actions are backed by strong appetites for & vivid visions of change.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

And the results are constructive when formed by intelligence and self-control.

Influence - Why, that's something every single one of us does every single day. 

But of most importance - What form does our Influence take?

How have our intentions or inattentions shaped our influences?


Change: Creating Positive Change | Influencing | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.