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Thought Tweet #856.5

by Rick Baker
On Oct 28, 2013

Thought Tweet #856.5 How to build relationships, earn trust, and influence people. [3 related essentials]


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

'How to win friends and influence people.' [Dale Carnegie's classic....really, about how to influence people, starting with friendly relationships]


How to influence people.

How to build relationships to influence people.

How to earn trust to influence people.

How to build relationships, earn trust, and influence people.


Influencing | Thought Tweets

Taking SWOT to an even better place

by Rick Baker
On Oct 28, 2013

STRENGTHS: The Gallup people presented Strengths as a combination of Talent, Knowledge, & Skills. Talent is not enough on its own. It must be coupled with Knowledge. We clarify that the Knowledge must be specialized, focused, and consistent with what it takes to achieve goals. Talent coupled with Knowledge is not enough...it is essential that Skills be practised until tasks and processes are mastered. Only then can one possess and vent Strengths. On top of that Gallup wisdom, we added Opportunities. That's where leaders fit in. Leaders recognize Talent, provide access to Knowledge and training & development in the form of practising. In this way, leaders provide the Opportunities for the development of Strengths.

P=2S+O: Bosses exist to delegate tasks and processes and manage the people who do those tasks and processes. That being the framework for business, bosses really don't want to hear Problems. Bosses only want to hear Problems when the Problems are used to introduce Solutions...and, every once in a while, Opportunities. That's the P=2S+O philosophy. That's why we created the P=2S+O tool.

SWOT is a strategic planning tool developed a couple of generations ago. It can be used to sort thoughts about business processes & business situations. And, as was recently brought to our attention by Don Peart, SWOT can be used to sort thoughts about people.

Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations.

The thinking around SWOT's application for business Processes & Situations is on the record. Just Google 'SWOT' and you will find much theory and practical advice.

The first 3 thoughts that came to me when Don Peart talked about applying SWOT thinking to People were:

  1. There's a lot of common ground shared by SWOT and our definition of personal Strength.
  2. P=2S+O is a practical tool, designed to cause people to focus on Solutions while keeping their minds and eyes open for Opportunities.
  3. When recruiting we could use SWOT thinking as an umbrella over our definition of Strengths and our P=2S+O philosophy.
Here's the picture...


There are many possible ways to apply SWOT thinking to People: recruiting, training, etc.

...more to follow

Thought Tweet #856

by Rick Baker
On Oct 28, 2013

Thought Tweet #856 Sycophants & lickspittles: friends in need serving egos in need.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

A couple of funny English words for funny roles.


Humour | Personalities @ Work | Thought Tweets

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