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Delegation: The Decision-Making Engine of Business

by Rick Baker
On Nov 13, 2013

Delegation is the decision-making engine of business.

The Delegation engine is fuelled by Influence.

Influence is built on a track record of releasing control and growing trust...all laced together, consistently, with Vision, Values, Rules, Goals, & Measures...all making best use of Talents & Strengths...and, together, learning lessons from errors made along the road to Success.



And the key to successful Delegation: make Decisions around How you will go about Releasing Control and How you will go about Growing Trust. For most people and most businesses, these things do not just happen naturally. They only happen after a great deal of forethought, self-analysis, and good planning. 

Practice the 80% Rule: If someone else can do the Task 80% as well as you can do it then Delegate.

And remember...

Constructive Criticism is an Oxymoron...so choose to celebrate lessons learned from failures rather than criticizing others' errors.

Thought Tweet #868

by Rick Baker
On Nov 13, 2013

Thought Tweet #868 You ever notice nobody ever walks up and asks you, "What do we want?"


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

People ask us, "What do you want?"

They do that when they are seeking the common ground, "What do we want?", "What are our shared wants?"

But, they never ask the simple question...they only know how to go about it the hard way.


Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Thought Tweets

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