Sure, we are struggling now. Regardless, we can put Einstein's insanity-definition out of work.
So many business people have a self-defeating attitude about change. I hear them reciting Einstein's definition "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Yet, despite that knowledge they are set in their ways. They repeat the same mistakes. And they complain while they are repeating mistakes.
Resistance to change causes business tires to spin on the spot. Those spinning business tires dig deep ruts. It seems that people often give up rather than fight to get out of the ruts. In the heat of the daily business battles people seem to forget about trying new things. Instead, they lamely plod along doing the same old things that didn't work the last time.
Needless to say, they experience first-hand Einstein's insanity-definition.
Sometimes when this happens they get angry. When they get angry they apply more force...trying to head-butt their way through obstacles and other people. Of course, this approach rarely works. And, it generates new problems that show up as new ways to fulfill Einstein's insanity-definition.
How might one avoid the insanity trap Einstein warned us about?
Here's a suggestion...
Start by considering how your Self-Image and your Self-Esteem affect your Mental Attitude toward the 'outside world'.

And consider:
Your Self-Image - How do you see yourself?
Do you see yourself as Attractive? Ugly of flawed?
Do you consider yourself Courageous? Fearful?
Do you believe you are Intelligent? Weak-minded?
Do you feel Energized? Lazy?
Do you find yourself to be Honest? A con artist?
Do you feel Healthy? Sickly?
Do you feel Strong? Weak?
Do you see yourself as Talented? Incompetent?
Do you see yourself as Organized? Scatter-brained?
Do you feel Blessed? Deprived?
Do you see yourself as Tolerant? Intolerant?
Do you feel like a Victim? A Victor?
Do you see yourself as Creative? Boring?
Do you see yourself as Flexible? Set in my ways?
Do you feel like a Winner? Loser?
Do you see yourself as a Self starter? Unmotivated Procrastinator?
Your Self-Esteem - Are you worthy?
How do you score yourself on a 1-to-10 Scale where a score of "1" means you are totally worthless and a score of "10" means you are as worthy as a person can be.
Your Mental Attitude - How do you view and approach the outside world?
Are you a Positive person? Negative?
Are you Optimistic? Pessimistic?
Are you Trusting? Sceptical?
Are you Curious? Close-minded?
Are you Hopeful? Disenchanted/disillusioned?
When you give it some thought - when you slow down and take time to give these things some thought - you will know you can do your part to put Einstein's insanity-definition out of work.