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Thought Tweet #897

by Rick Baker
On Dec 24, 2013

Thought Tweet #897 Raise your hand if a positive mental attitude has hurt your ability to perform your job. 


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Now, how about vice-versa...raise your hand if a negative mental attitude has helped you perform your job.

So, what you gonna do?



Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Thought Tweets

The reality inside TVs is burying the reality outside TVs

by Rick Baker
On Dec 24, 2013

It's the grand illusion of the 21st Century: the reality inside TVs is burying the reality outside TVs.

In support of Reality...

Just the other day an acquaintance explained just how foolish I am because I refuse to watch Duck Dynasty. Next thing I know I will be chastised for missing ED commercials. If I want to see a Duck Dynasty I will help the Mallards in the back pond scheme to gain ground on those prolific Canada Geese.

Superficial reality. Mind-rotting programs wrapped in mind-rotting advertising. Watched by people who are too busy.

Not to get too philosophical or too physicistic...

Perhaps our perceptions are illusions? Perhaps we are living in a multi-dimensional multi-universe? Perhaps life itself is a deceptive illusion?

We should not fret these questions.

Nor should we be distracted.

We have more important things to focus on.

We have reality on TV!


Beyond Business | I'm too busy! - I don't have time!

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.