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Timing is everything & Everything in its time

by Rick Baker
On Jan 2, 2014

Timing is everything. That's a saying most of us are familiar with. We hear this expression as a celebration statement when pinpoint timing has helped someone achieve a success. Or we hear it when someone has failed at an activity and the blame is being placed on acting too slowly and missing a 'time-window of opportunity'.

Everything in its time. That's another saying most of us have heard. Usually, we hear it when someone is trying to help an impatient person slow down thoughts or actions. One interpretation of the message is - instead of pressing and pushing for what you want now, take time to think and delay your actions until the likelihood of success is greater.

There are numerous other sayings involving our most-precious commodity - Time.

Some examples:

  • Time flies.
  • Time is money.
  • Time waits for no one.
  • The time is right.
  • Time is of the essence.
  • Time heals all wounds.
  • Time is on my side.
People place value in time. People want time. People give time a personality then they have a personal relationship with Time.  They give Time power, even super-power.
People extol Time. People admonish Time.
People treat Time like a scapegoat. 
On top of all these things, there's an insidious time-mindset that captures many people. It's an excuse mindset that guarantees these people a life of mediocrity, failure, or catastrophic failure. The culprit is the mindset, "I don't have time". Some people say this or similar phrases like "I'm too busy" so frequently they brainwash themselves into a fearful-hectic existence. And this fearful-hectic existence is contagious: first it infects family members, then friends, then co-workers.
The mindset "I don't have time. I'm too busy." is nothing but a flawed-thinking Bad Habit
The best way to cure this Bad Habit is to stop saying it. When your thoughts find themselves in this Bad Habit territory: (1) control your tongue and (2) replace your thoughts with a new thought..."Yes, Yes, Yes, I DO HAVE TIME!"


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Solutions & Opportunities

Thought Tweet #904

by Rick Baker
On Jan 2, 2014

Thought Tweet #904 Your brand starts with your character and the culture you breed: your brand stalls or flourishes there.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

A brand isn't a cute visual.

A brand isn't a catchy logo or a slick tag line.

A brand cannot pretty up a flawed character or a troubling culture.

When testing new branding, take a step back and look at your personal character and your business culture. Do they pass the litmus test? Do they render an investment in 'branding' worthwhile? Or, do they neuter your branding expenditures?


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Marketing | Thought Tweets

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