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From Business Tasks to Organized Business

by Rick Baker
On Dec 18, 2013

Premise: It is better to think about business as a package of understandable & definable Tasks.

Premise: All Tasks can be defined and someone, sometime ought to get that done.

Premise: When we build business Task by Task we uncover numerous opportunities to apply the 80/20 Rule.,,,i.e., that's Zero-based business.

Premise: Zero-based businesses are to business what Zero-based budgets are to budgets and, at least once in a while both need to be done.

Premise: When we understand Processes in terms of their constituent Tasks we actually understand Processes...and can innovate and improve them.

Premise: When we understand Processes & their Tasks we can communicate better...and that's efficient and effective.


Here are some seek-simple steps...





Thought Tweet #893

by Rick Baker
On Dec 18, 2013

Thought Tweet #893 Why did Evolution deny human ears the privilege of showing us when they are actually operating?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Our eyes fare better.

Even our mouths, which cause us so much trouble, fare better.

This helps us understand why dogs are Mans' Best Friend. 


Beyond Business | Communication: Improving Communication | Humour | Thought Tweets

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