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Thought Tweet #926

by Rick Baker
On Feb 3, 2014

Thought Tweet #926 To expand your Influence, learn how to react more constructively to other people's body language. 


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Show people you get them.

Show people you can change.

Lead change, by example.


Communication: Improving Communication | Influencing | Thought Tweets

Good Things come in 3's...including the ways leaders INFLUENCE

by Rick Baker
On Feb 3, 2014

Start With WHY

Good leaders know people's emotions can be touched and people can become motivated when they understand WHY. WHY messages appeal to emotions. HOW and WHAT messages connect with logic. Emotions drive decisions and inspire action; emotions overrule logic. So, when good leaders communicate they start with why.


Stick with INTERESTS

Good leaders know disputes can be avoided and disputes can be diffused when people focus on Interests rather than talk about Rights or take action to exercise Power. Interests differ...however, for most people in most situations, one person's Interests do not threaten others. Certainly, they do not threaten others like claims about rights do or like actions that illustrate the use of power do. So, when good leaders communicate they stick with interests.

source: Interests, Rights, & Power circles - Mark Weber, UW



Transactional Analysis taught that people's behaviour can be described in 3 ways: Parent, Adult, & Child. Parents make demands, Children are told what to do, and Adults do not achieve successful results when they behave like Parents or when they behave like Children. Good leaders know communications are most productive when people behave like Adults [not like Parents, not like Children]. So, when good leaders interact with people they endeavour to talk adult to adult.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Influencing | INSPIRE PEOPLE - GROW PROFITS! | Leaders' Thoughts

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