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Good leaders were first good followers

by Rick Baker
On Feb 5, 2014

To be a good leader you must first be a good follower.  

Your ability to lead is limited by your ability to follow.

So, good leaders were first good followers. When they followed, of course, they had a boss. Maybe that boss was a good leader, maybe not. Regardless, that boss had strengths and weaknesses. That boss' strengths provided opportunities to learn. That boss' weaknesses provided opportunities to use strengths. And so, the good follower watched, listened, and learned and the good follower used personal strengths. Over time, the good follower developed and improved. Over time, the good follower learned what it takes to become a good leader.

To be a good leader you must first be a good follower.  

Your ability to lead is limited by your ability to follow.


Leaders' Thoughts | Solutions & Opportunities | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success

Thought Tweet #928

by Rick Baker
On Feb 5, 2014

Thought Tweet #928 Some people get annoyed by duplication of effort.  Others recognize repetition is a key to learning and remembering.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Efficiency happens when things are done right the first time.

Efficiency happens when people learn and remember.

Some people view these as mutually exclusive things.

Isn't that a shame.



Communication: Improving Communication | Influencing | Thought Tweets

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