by Rick Baker
On Jun 29, 2020
The Thinking Behind the Tweet
And, those 3 things - that’s all people do. People Only Do 3 Things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, New Things. Here's a link to explain the thinking.
by Rick Baker
On Jun 28, 2020
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
An interesting quote from [Canadian-born] Basil King's 'The Conquest of Fear', (1921) Yes - most of the energies we experience are set against us…but, fortunately, (1) not the most-important one & (2) we have managed to partially-harness some of those set-against-us energies and put them to good use [as examples: fire & heat, electricity & magnetism, wind and solar energy].
by Rick Baker
On Jun 27, 2020
The Thinking Behind the Tweet
The sales gurus have lots of ideas. But, never mind that for now. This Sales Tweet is about self-analysis. What do you do to psych yourself up when lots of chips are on the buyer-seller table? Think about each thing you do and when you do it. Think about the details of these things. Get a piece of paper and write down at least 3 things. Think about - WHY?