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Courage is the 'Prime Enabler'. It enables self-analysis, self-confidence, curiosity, creativity, & innovation.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 5, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

It takes courage to face adversity. It takes courage to face criticism. It takes courage to face change

Children are born courageous and independent-minded. But, often, that is discouraged.

It takes wisdom to re-build courage.

Discontent, regardless of how it is packaged, just may be the best vehicle for positive change.

by Rick Baker
On Dec 1, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some people live to change. For example, some people embrace life-long learning. Others find a lifetime of change by embracing entrepreneurship

That does not mean they make personal changes for the better. Regardless of the life-long learning or the entrepreneurship or all the other changes, bad habits persist.

Sometimes, probably more often than not, even the worst of bad habits remain until true discontent sets in.  

As the pace of change increases, so does the power of leaders' courage & confidence.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 5, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

And courage & confidence require lots of energy...because energy is needed to fuel clear thought and action.

So - use your energy as best you can, ensuring some of it goes to developing your self-confidence [which fuels the development of courage].

If you want to influence others, influence yourself first. Make little changes for the better. Then share that good habit.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 20, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

All great leaders make major changes to their way of dealing with 'their personal challenges' and their way of interacting with other people. 

All great leaders learn how to replace Bad Habits with Good Habits.

Self-control is your people-magnet.

Only when comforable with your communication will Egos help you bring about the changes you desire.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 11, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Egos are nitpickers. 

Egos need to be stroked.

Egos don't like unpleasant surprises.

Egos always bring their baggage.

When there's no reason or rhyme maybe it's time to change your tune.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 27, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Human beings are biased creatures. One bias is known as the rhyme-as-reason effect.

According to Wikipedia -

"The rhyme-as-reason effect is a cognitive bias whereupon a saying or aphorism is judged as more accurate or truthful when it is rewritten to rhyme." And "For an example of the persuasive quality of the rhyme-as-reason effect, see "if it doesn't fit, you must acquit," the signature phrase used by Johnnie Cochran to gain acquittal for O.J. Simpson in Simpson's murder trial."

Consider the rhyme-as-reason bias when you:

  • create leader's messages
  • create marketing communications

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