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'Being Evocative'...that's the new Starting Point

by Rick Baker
On Nov 24, 2011

People get bored real quickly these days!

Probably, I have lulled you to sleep already and I have only begun to write.

If you will just hang in a bit more I will try to be quick with this message.

Maybe bullet points will help?

  • People get bored real quickly these days!
  • So, we need to do special stuff when we want to communicate with them!
The experts say, "You must be evocative". [translation - "You must pluck at people's emotional chords."]
That's the way to get people's attention.
How do you do that?
How do you pluck at people's emotional chords?
Here are some suggestions:
  1. Be Authentic: If you have a magnetic personality then use it. If you don't have natural charisma then work at improving your personality traits. Pick traits you desire to have then work at incorporating them into your character...I mean - want to improve and then work at it for the rest of your life.
  2. Be Intentional: Know exactly why you want to pluck at people's emotional chords. Your intent must have more substance than just trying to cram a sale or an idea down somebody's throat. A purely self-serving intent will not succeed.
  3. Be Colourful: Emotions have little interest in logic. Emotions like shiny objects, fast-moving things, colourful things, sharp sounds, funny things...stimulating things. Emotions like all these types of things but emotions do not like logic. 
This is just an introduction.
If your communications are not achieving the results you seek then make some adjustments.
If you think your people are not 'getting it' then make some adjustments.
If you think younger folks don't listen then make some adjustments.
After all...your goals are important!
'Being Evocative' is the new Starting Point!

Emotions - Defined

by Rick Baker
On Nov 17, 2011
In this Thought Post I consider dictionary definitions around the word ‘Emotion’ then adopt what I find to be a much-more-helpful description of Emotions, provided by the world-renowned psychologist and pioneer in the study of Emotions, Paul Ekman.
I go into this detail because:
  1. I believe People Only Do 3 Things: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things
  2. I believe Emotions play a huge role in day-to-day business life
First, I looked at the on-line Merriam-Webster dictionary to obtain their definition of Emotion. I have copied below Merriam-Webster’s definition of ‘Emotion’ and their definitions of two words used in their definition of ‘Emotion’ [‘Affective’ and ‘Feeling’].
It seems to me the Merriam-Webster definition of Emotion is cumbersome and circular. And, it is inaccurate.
So, Spirited Leaders has adopted Paul Ekman’s definition of Emotion [see below].
From Merriam-Webster’s on-line dictionary:

Definition of EMOTION
1a obsolete: disturbance b: excitement
2a: the affective aspect of consciousness: feeling b: a state of feeling c: a conscious mental reaction (as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body 

Definition of AFFECTIVE
1: relating to, arising from, or influencing feelings or emotions: emotional <cognitive and affective symptoms>
2: expressing emotion <affective language> 

Definition of FEELING
1a (1): one of the basic physical senses of which the skin contains the chief end organs and of which the sensations of touch and temperature are characteristic: touch (2): a sensation experienced through this sense b: generalized bodily consciousness or sensation c: appreciative or responsive awareness or recognition
2a: an emotional state or reaction <a kindly feeling toward the boy> plural: susceptibility to impression: sensitivity <the remark hurt her feelings>
3a: the undifferentiated background of one's awareness considered apart from any identifiable sensation, perception, or thought b: the overall quality of one's awareness c: conscious recognition: sense
4a: often unreasoned opinion or belief: sentiment b: presentiment
5: capacity to respond emotionally especially with the higher emotions
6: the character ascribed to something: atmosphere
7: the quality of a work of art that conveys the emotion of the artist b: sympathetic aesthetic response
Definition of EMOTION [Paul Ekman’s, which we have adopted]
According to Paul Ekman, and to a degree I am simplifying and paraphrasing here, Emotions are defined by 7 characteristics:
1. Signals: Emotions are mental states, most of which exhibit consistent visible cues.
2. Automatic Appraisal: Emotions occur automatically and very fast...1/4 second.
3. Lack of Awareness: Consciousness plays little role if any...most Emotions are opaque to consciousness and thought. Nature did not want us to be able to consciously control Emotions. However, thoughts can re-trigger Emotions.
4. Not Unique to Humans: Other animals exhibit the same Emotions as Humans. There is no Human Emotion that cannot be seen in at least one other animal.
5. Short Duration: Emotions can last for extremely short periods (seconds) or longer, but they never last longer than a day. (longer-lasting ‘states of mind’ are defined as Moods)
6. Conscious Awareness of Emotions is a Skill: using special exercises, it can be developed. We can become skilled at self-monitoring, being present, and self-regulating. We need to explore the motivation and intent behind our Emotions. Knowledge and skill around motivation and intent will help us understand and control our Emotions.
7. Emotions can get us into trouble..."I lost my head". In fact, it seems Ekman thinks Emotions do present-day Humans little, if any, good. Emotions, all of them, are vestiges of evolution.
  1. To learn about Paul Ekman
  2. Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary


Definitions - Spirited Words Defined | Emotions & Feelings @ Work

Thought Tweet #344

by Rick Baker
On Nov 10, 2011
Thought Tweet #344 It happens. People have bad-mood days...don't push people when they are in bad moods.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Here we are talking about both listening and watching body language. If a person is having a real tough day then it is better to come back another time or another day.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thought Tweets

My Uncle Jack’s Plus-Minus Theory

by Rick Baker
On Nov 3, 2011
On a warm summer afternoon a couple of months ago, I was sitting on my Uncle Jack’s porch…chatting with him about many things, some serious and some definitely-not.
That’s when he surprised me by asking, “Haven’t I ever told you my Plus-Minus Theory?
I said “No” and sat back to catch a little more shade and listen to my Uncle Jack’s Plus-Minus Theory.
He explained, “At the end of the day we should think about the ‘pluses’ of the day and the ‘minuses’ of the day. If we find the ‘minuses’ consumed more than 75% of the day then we better make changes.
Now, since that afternoon, I have thought about pluses and minuses every single day.
And, I have shared my Uncle Jack’s ‘theory’ with a number of folks.
Each time I share the story and the theory I talk about the thoughts I have had for several years about feeling good and feeling bad at work and the thoughts I had about measuring these feelings. I talk about the fact I have worked at teaching and helping people learn the importance of doing these things. I talk about the Minus10-to-Plus10 Scale we use to measure feelings.
And, I never fail to mention I had no idea my favourite Uncle had already established a ‘theory’ on this topic, beating me [and many of the motivational gurus by decades].
Clearly, this is proof we need to spend more time with our Favourite Uncles!
  1. At Spirited Leaders we use colours as visual signals:
    • green = good things…especially Good Habits
    • blue = New Things
    • red = Bad Habits
  2. Minus10-to-Plus10 Scale: like my Uncle Jack’s ‘pluses’ and ‘minuses’ we are talking about monitoring feelings throughout the workday. Negative feelings are feelings that signal you are not in situations or taking actions aligned with your goals. Positive feelings are feelings that signal you arein situations or taking actions aligned with your goals.
    • Plus 1-4: you are at least accepting the situation and have some comfort about your action
    • Plus 5-7: you enjoy the situation and the action you are taking
    • Plus 8-10: you are enthusiastic about the situation and your actions


Beyond Business | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Measure & Monitor

What are your Intentions?

by Rick Baker
On Nov 1, 2011
Intention may be one of the most underrated forces.
I recently listened to a CD where Deepak Chopra said: Intention has organizational power…in a way; Intention is the most powerful force in the universe.
If that is even partially true then, definitely, Intention is one of the most underrated forces.
Intention is closely linked to Inspiration.
When I use the word Intention, I mean – ‘a determination to act in a certain way’.
When I use the word Inspiration, I mean – ‘a power to influence emotions and move action’.
Putting that together…
Be determined to act in certain ways and that will give you the power to influence emotions and move action…your emotions and actions – and – the emotions and actions of other people.
Be determined to act in a certain way.
What way is that? [you might ask]
Seems to me the choices are unlimited! [you might think as you ask]
True - the choices are unlimited.
So – we need to figure out a way to do this sort of exercise quickly…before we get bored or annoyed or distracted by easier and perhaps more immediately-rewarding things.
Get a piece of paper and write across the top:
Actions I Do at Work
Draw a line down the middle of the page
On one side of the line write Feel Good when I do them and on the other side of the line write Do Not Feel Good when I do them.
Then, think about the actions you do at work… consider the specific actions you take as you perform tasks. Think of the specific actions you take as you interact with other people. Think of the specific actions you take when you are working on your business goals. Think of 30 or so specific actions.
Write those actions on the page…on one side or the other.
Now, circle the actions you believe contribute to you work goals.
Take a close look at the actions you have circled on the side of the page titled ‘I Feel Good when I do them’.
Focus on these actions as you begin to plan how you will be determined to act in certain ways that will give you the power to influence emotions and move action…your emotions and actions – and – the emotions and actions of other people.
That’s a good 1st step toward acting with Intent and acting to Inspire.
Actions I Do at Work
I Feel Good when I do them

I Do Not Feel Good when I do them

Why some people - or is it most people - react that way

by Rick Baker
On Oct 14, 2011
Some time ago Man became Man.
We say Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations.
Using that view…some time ago, a long time ago, People became People.
When that happened, People began to face Situations.
We know some of those Situations must have been awe-inspiring…imagine our ancient ancestors looking up and marvelling at the fullness of the moon and all those twinkling stars.
And, no question, our ancient ancestors faced some really unpleasant and dangerous Situations. Picture the snarling jaws of a Saber-Toothed Tiger…or picture an invading marauder trying to steal your ancestor’s cave.
When your ancestors faced those dangers, your ancestors prevailed….at least they prevailed long enough to allow you to get here.
Your ancestors prevailed because People were blessed with an ‘internal system’. It is a complicated self-protection system…involving chemistry, electricity, the brain, and most other body parts.
Here is how it operated in ancient times. When your ancestors faced danger their ‘internal system’ provided them 3 options:
  • Fight
  • Flight
  • Standing Ground
Depending on the nature of the danger, your ancestors either fought or ran or stood fast in an effort to intimidate the cause of the danger. The ‘internal system’ that our ancestors used still exists in People. We see it in action on the streets and in the places where children sort out their differences. In those places and Situations we see fights, and fleeing, and drawing lines in the sand.
However, in business 2 of these 3 natural actions/reactions are unacceptable.
When confronted by danger [or perceived danger], business People cannot resolve things by beating up on one another or by running away from one another.
However, business People can stand their ground, get defensive, and protect their turf.
We see quite a bit of that.


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Emotions & Feelings @ Work

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