by Rick Baker
On Jul 26, 2020
The Thinking Behind the Tweet
I read that somewhere, many years ago. An interesting mind-picture.
A metaphor true to our anxieties.
We should avoid the darkrooms and the dark places where anxiety breeds; we should seek brilliance and concentrate on the brightest of lights.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
"...the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
[Perhaps inspired by, or even coined by, Napoleon Hill.]
by Rick Baker
On Jul 11, 2020
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
According to history or legend, when the great Henry Ford was caught in a very compromising situation he said, "Never complain, never explain". We cannot believe everything we read, so - perhaps Henry Ford was never in that compromising situation and even if he was perhaps he never said that never-never quip. And, perhaps Henry Ford was simply making timely use of the wisdom expressed earlier by the great British statesman, Benjamin Disraeli?
Regardless, Disraeli or Ford or both, "Never complain, never explain" makes for an interesting story-example of what makes great men great.
PS: "...the parasites live where the great have little secret sores."
Many people have a negative impression of Friedrich Nietzsche. I'm not one of them. Just after Disraeli's death, when Ford was a young man, Nietzsche wrote those words. ['Thus Spoke Zarathustra'...written in 4 parts, during the 1880's]
by Rick Baker
On Jun 23, 2020
The Thinking Behind The Tweet
There are only 2 types of people who experience meaningful success in business:
- Those few, the intuitive, who somehow naturally 'get it' and 'seek & solve' their way for as long as it takes to obtain success.
- Those few who observe and attend to mentors [who are willing to help them], emulate heroes' best qualities and sooner or later, after much work, 'get it'.
In business, no other types of people achieve meaningful success.