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Communication tip: Google the words "how to listen better". Millions of ideas! Just pick 2 or 3. Start trying them today.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 25, 2020

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

When we asked the LinkedIn question 'What does it take to be a good sales person?' the #1 answer was - 'Be a good listener.' So, from time to time, our Sales Tweets will contain messages about How to Listen Better.


Communication: Improving Communication | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales people should select heroes, learn from them, and emulate their talents & strengths.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 8, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I see better ways of approaching Sales.

For example...

Sales people can and should learn from ‘heroes’...as many as possible. First, ask the question – Is this person a hero worth studying? Consider - WHY is this person a hero? Because of vision?, goals? resilience? quick wit? personal magnetism? Then learn the details about those person's most-admirable qualities/strengths, select specific stories that capture the admirable qualities, carry those stories in mind, and draw upon them when the going gets tough. 


Hero Worship | Sales | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

With the pressing of all those buttons, the 30-Second Elevator Speech is going down.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 23, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

As you no doubt have noticed, there's been quite a bit of growth in the area of social media. This is impacting on good-old-fashioned sales work. The sales gurus are now recommending a 17 or 18 second Elevator Speech [AKA - 30-Second Commercial...or, should I say 17- or 18-Second Commercial?].

I favour shrinking the Elevator Speech to zero and, if and when the time is right to sense & catch attention, using words less canned and more natural.


Humour | Sales | Thought Tweets

How To Create A Real Scary Sales Monster [a recipe]

by Rick Baker
On Aug 19, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I created a real scary sales monster.

Really, I am not 100% sure how I did it.

I just know I did it.

Actually, I did it more than once in my career.

I somehow created some high-octane sales beasties that were real scary.

While I don't have the exact recipe I do know the key ingredients and the key process steps:

1.     Take 2 big egos - make sure one is your own and the other junior [junior, in the hierarchical sense or you will not be able to claim credit for the creation of the Sales Monster]

2.     Apply some loud volume.

3.     Blend the big egos together harshly with some lofty goals.

4.     Send the junior ego out to the field under very-tight time deadlines.

5.     Allow a free run for a few days.

6.     Voila - a Sales Monster.

[bon appetit]


Humour | Sales | Thought Tweets

How do you psych yourself up for that really important sales call? Special clothes? Self-talk? Loud music?

by Rick Baker
On Jun 27, 2020

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

The sales gurus have lots of ideas. But, never mind that for now. This Sales Tweet is about self-analysis. What do you do to psych yourself up when lots of chips are on the buyer-seller table? Think about each thing you do and when you do it. Think about the details of these things. Get a piece of paper and write down at least 3 things. Think about - WHY?

Ambiguity poisons profitability.

by Rick Baker
On May 15, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Confused sellers struggle to sell.

Confused buyers struggle to buy.

Confused technicians struggle to perform.

In so many ways, ambiguity thwarts the possibility of earning profits.

Curiosity & Attention to Detail...big parts of the cure.



Curiosity - Invention, Innovation & Creativity | Leaders' Thoughts | Sales | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.