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Sales-communication tip: Under-Promise and Over-Deliver …Under-Talk & Over-Listen

by Rick Baker
On Aug 21, 2014

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

While people are very busy, somehow they manage to remember the promises you didn’t deliver on. And, if people are talking there is a reason for it. I mean, people have reasons for saying things even if the things they are saying are not on the same topic as the things you are thinking while you could be listening while they are talking. Rather than thinking all that stuff by yourself and waiting for them to stop talking so you can get your thoughts delivered…listen.


Communication: Improving Communication | Sales | Thought Tweets

Communication tip: Don't strangle your sales calls…stop choking your Clients with facts, figures, graphs, and analytics.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 21, 2014

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

When you mention numbers you will cause your Client to think about numbers. The Client's mind, a Buyer's mind, will call up the tools a Buyer uses to analyse numbers. Unless performed with care and skill, that will take you farther away from closing a sale…not closer.


Communication: Improving Communication | Sales | Thought Tweets

When you simply listen with an open mind...what are your Clients saying about your competition?

by Rick Baker
On Aug 21, 2014

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

The main point is - Listen. Don’t make comments about your competition. And 'overrule' yourself if you are tempted to ask leading questions. When your Client brings up your competition it means something. Your challenge is to determine what it means. You can prepare for this inevitable situation by planning the questions you will ask your Client after your Client raises the topic of your competition. When you design those questions, design them carefully


Communication: Improving Communication | Sales | Thought Tweets

Communication tip: Measure your talking during meetings. Talk less than 30%, Listen at least 70%.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 20, 2014

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

David Sandler taught this to his sales students. It applies not just to sales but to all communications. Limiting the amount we talk is closely linked to Listening. It is also closely linked to our ability to keep our emotions in balance.


Communication: Improving Communication | Sales | Thought Tweets

Communication tip: If you want to influence then Learn to Listen.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 20, 2014

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

LinkedIn is a valuable tool. We can use it to discover what other people think about topics. I asked some of my LinkedIn friends the Question: What does it take to succeed at sales? And, the most repeated piece of advice was - Listen Better.


Communication: Improving Communication | Sales | Thought Tweets

When selling: Don't be redundant. Don’t say more than required or be excessive. Don’t be superfluous.

by Rick Baker
On Jun 16, 2014

The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet

Some sales people have this habit of talking too much. They go on and on. They provide a plethora of information when that’s not needed. They overkill things. They flog dead horses. They go overboard. They provide a surplus of facts. That’s not the right way to go about selling. That’s the wrong way to go about selling. It doesn’t work. It fails. It won’t get the results you desire. It’s a flawed approach…incorrect…


Humour | Sales | Thought Tweets

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