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Thought Tweet #429

by Rick Baker
On Mar 8, 2012

Thought Tweet #429 At your enterprise, are your Sales people more like artists or more like scientists?

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Sales is becoming more like art than science. Selling, when it is performed properly, is an art...good Sales people have interesting personalities, curiosity, and creativity. And, they use those natural gifts. Selling, when businesses get hold of it, is a science. Much Sales Management. Much focus on Sales Systems and sales-process training. And Conversions. As many say, "Sales is a numbers game." 

What do your Sales people think - art? science? a combination of the two? a wonderful, re-invented combination of the two?


Curiosity - Invention, Innovation & Creativity | Sales | Thought Tweets

Comments (2) -

Pete Black
3/14/2012 2:06:57 PM #

I suspect sales talent is dependent on the left and right side brain proportions. There are infinite possibilities as each side contols different body actions. It would be interesting to see research on this idea. In the meantime, its definitely a mix of art and science and if we could ever figure this out it would facilitate the hiring of guaranteed super salesmen.

rick baker
3/14/2012 2:22:03 PM #

Thank you for those great points, Pete!

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