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Thought Tweet #861

by Rick Baker
On Nov 4, 2013

Thought Tweet #861 Balancing the strange comfort in ‘standing by’ against the positive change that follows ‘stepping up’.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When you must place a bet favouring either People or Situations, place your bet on Situations. That's what some social psychologists are teaching.


Why would social psychologists recommend we bet on the situation influencing the person rather than bet on the person influencing the situation?

Because there is much evidence illustrating how people are prepared to 'stand by' and do nothing in situations involving bad things ranging from workplace incivility and poor work ethics to pollution and its impact on Mother Nature to school bullying and public muggings to fundamentalism, bigotry, and genocidal atrocities.

All that said, in every such 'bad' situation each of us has a choice: we can 'stand by' or we can 'step up'.

The ancient wisdom…

If not me who?

If not now when?

Thought Tweet #859

by Rick Baker
On Oct 31, 2013

Thought Tweet #859 Few situations provide the opportunity to do big things; all situations provide the opportunity to do small things.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Business leaders want people to get it and they want people to step up.

Business leaders want illustrations of insight and exertion of confident action.

Those are the things business leaders want to influence.


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Influencing | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

Some people simply do not get along...

by Rick Baker
On Oct 24, 2013

Some people simply do not get along.

And, they never will.

So - they will never work together in harmony.

When you experience incivility at work or other forms of 'people not getting along', it is important to determine whether or not the situation you are facing is one where the people are never going to work together in harmony. This is important because if, in reality, people are battling and have made their minds up to never get along then there is no value in trying to influence them to change. You will never cause them to get along. The best you can do is cause them to behave in less-destructive ways. 

In fact, to generate constructive change you only have two options:

  1. One of the people must leave or
  2. One or both of the people must accept, truly accept, subordination to your demands and the fact he/she/they will have no control over the situation or the other person.
Beware: it is rare for people to be comfortable and truly accept a situation they cannot control. It is also rare for people to exercise full control over themselves when they know they will never be able to work in harmony with and are conflicted with another person. Human nature - actually, the human ego - places strong demands around locus of control and sphere of influence. People are uncomfortable when they are in conflict with others and doubly uncomfortable when they know they have no or little ability to change that situation.
Yes, I know, people can change. So, there is always a possibility the two conflicting people may get along some day. However, when people are really dug in against one another that's a sucker's bet. That's a very-low-probability-of-winning bet.
So, working to cause two die-hard people in conflict to change their attitudes toward one another is the wrong approach.
Instead, when you think two people will never be able to work together in harmony:
  1. Communicate your perspective of that situation to both of them...might as well sit the two of them down and talk to both at the same time...that will let them know you are not playing favourites and it will ensure both hear/witness the same message
  2. Obtain their agreement that your perspective is accurate...if one or both argue against your perspective then that could be a sign there could be hope for improvement...or it could be a really bad sign [you will have to use your judgement]
  3. Present the two options described above, telling both people you will use their input then make your decision [i.e., you will make a Consultative Decision after each of them has had an opportunity to provide their perspectives]
  4. Ask for their preferences...repeat the request at least twice so they understand you are serious
  5. Part company...if either person requests more discussion then make it clear that will only happen if the other person is present...you want full communication
  6. Make your decision, i.e., either (1) one goes or (2) both stay and agree to work within the boundaries you set
  7. Communicate your decision to both...whether one person remains or both people remain, explain your boundaries in writing so that person [those people] know exactly your expectations and how you will address future situations of this nature
  8. Monitor their actions and enforce your boundaries
This approach has several benefits. As examples - 
  1. You cannot ignore situations where people are never going to work in harmony...sooner or later these situations get worse and cost much time and money
  2. Situations where people are never going to work in harmony affect everyone and mess up your business culture...people expect leaders to address and resolve these sorts of situations...the best employees leave when they see these situations linger and fester
  3. In the event your perception is wrong - in the event the situation is not really a never going to work in harmony situation - the two people may see the light, get their egos under control, and clean up their acts...in which case the problem will be solved in a win-win-win way and everyone can walk away feeling good about themselves and the other people
  4. The process you develop can be used to nip these situations in the bud if they arise in the future

Thought Tweet #836.5

by Rick Baker
On Sep 30, 2013

Thought Tweet #836.5 Are the people who post warning signs pessimists or optimists?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some business people treat risk management as if it is just a dirty pair of words. Others treat it like it's the territory of the worst of pessimists.  

For me, risk management is a talent - a strength...naturally enjoyed by some of us and very foreign to others. Risk Management is about warning signs. It is about the ability to see risks before they happen and post warning signs about the risks to save others from injury. Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations. Risk Management is about the risks tied to these 3 things.

Risk Managers may or may not be pessimists.

Risk Managers may or may not be optimists.

Regardless, good Risk Managers must be realists.

Good Risk Managers are 'present' - they see the present reality, both the good pieces of reality and the bad pieces of reality. Their views are not tainted by pressure of the present or the baggage of the past.

Good Risk Managers are 'visionary' - they have a good sense for patterns and trends and they have a good sense about how present patterns and trends can unfold into future situations. 

Risk managers deliver value to business processes and other business people. Sometimes, they deliver company-saving value. Risk Managers know much about The School of Hard Knocks and they know how to spare other business people the hardest of business knocks.


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Leaders' Thoughts | Optimism & Pessimism | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #817

by Rick Baker
On Sep 3, 2013

Thought Tweet #817 For situations you cannot control, learn how to avoid feeling anger, anxiety, fear & frustration.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When people find themselves in situations they cannot control their reaction is, naturally, one of discomfort. For some people, the discomfort is extreme. This discomfort often leads to thoughts and actions that lead to dysfunction, stress, and a host of other negative things. 

We can learn how to do better than that.

We can teach ourselves how to do better than that.


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Thought Tweets

The more you struggle the less you achieve goals. Yet, failure can trigger better ways.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 30, 2013

When you take charge and command your willpower to deliver results you do not achieve those desired results.

[forced discipline of willpower does not bring success]

When your brain knows and understands it is in your long-term best interest to do something, more often than not you will not do that thing.

[intelligence doesn't motivate]

When you feel fear and stress, you will tend to either avoid action or take the wrong action.

[fear is, at best, a temporary motivator...and it often sends you in the wrong direction]

When you desire something intensely, more often than not you do not obtain it.

[desire on its own doesn't bring results]

So, what does work?

How does a person obtain goals?

How does a person succeed?

Successful people provide the answers. A study of successful people delivers the answers.

Here's what studying successful people confirms...

Successful people, people who are known for their ability to magnetize the support of others and achieve desired goals possess 3 things:

  1. Intelligence
  2. Self-control
  3. Drive
#1 - Successful people know Intelligence is a life-long process. It is a life-long process about people, about process, and about situations. Successful people are life-long learners. The day they stop learning is the day they stop being successful. Successful people place a high priority on self-knowledge and self-improvement. They apply their Intelligence toward self-development particularly in the areas of Self-control and Drive. In addition, successful people focus on their Talents until they become strengths. Successful people specialize and they stretch in the direction of their personal strengths. They vent their strengths. Successful people do not fear the intelligence possessed by other people: they seek out the best people and particularly people who possess strengths they do not possess. They are skilled at putting other people's strengths to use, ensuring their weakest areas are offset by others' strengths.
#2 - Successful people learn how to set aside immediate gratification and focus energy toward long-term goals. They have a Vivid Vision of the future and they place a high value on learning what actions will take them toward their goals and determining how to excel at the performance of those actions. They self-monitor. They learn how to avoid distractions. They tend to view 'failures' as temporary obstacles and learning experiences. Related to failures and obstacles, successful people possess the self-control to direct negative feelings toward positive changes - changes for the better. In other words, failures spark improved focus and greater commitment and failures energize. Successful people use self-control to build positive attitude and winning character by stopping Bad Habits, starting New Things, and creating Good Habits
#3 - Successful people are born with powerful internal drives...and they figure out how to keep those drives alive regardless of the pressure applied against them in the form of criticism from other people. They develop thick skin. The clearer their Vivid Vision the thicker their skin. Successful people have a burning internal drive to take action, build things, accomplish results, and to influence other people. At one point in their lives - perhaps when they are young, perhaps when they are in their 30's or 40's, perhaps as late as when they arrive at old age - this drive becomes focused on a single vision, which defines their goal. It is at that time that energy of their Drive, Intelligence, and Self-control blends to generate success.
When Drive, Intelligence, and Self-control blend and Focus with intensity on a clear Vision and Goal...only then does success have no choice but to arrive.
The good news is all of these things are available to most people.
All of these things are available to you.
Seek them out, package them, & put them to use.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.