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Thought Tweet #645

by Rick Baker
On Jan 4, 2013

Thought Tweet #645 We can not assume the purpose of our thinking is obvious. 


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We can not assume the purpose of our thinking is obvious. We can not assume the purpose of their thinking is obvious. And, we are far better off over-communicating about the purpose behind out thoughts, ideas, and requests than under-communicating about them.

Making the Best of Your Situations

by Rick Baker
On Jan 4, 2013

"Our main thinking habit is to analyse situations so that we can recognize standard situations and then apply standard answers."

Edward de Bono

`The Six Value Medals`, (2005)


 Business Only Contains 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations.


People Only Do 3 Things: Good HabitsBad Habits, & New Things.



If you want to make the best of your Situations:

As you analyse Situations, do not assume they are 'standard'...explore and see if there are important nuances that deviate from familiar patterns:
  • direct your attention toward the key parts of the Situation [the People, the place, the level of urgency, the 'props', the background noise, etc.]
  • compare those parts, looking for similarities - the parts that fit a pattern you recognize
  • compare those parts again, looking for differences - the parts that do not fit a pattern you recognize 
  • look for the parts that catch and pull at your attention...they can be the most-important aspects of the Situation
  • set logic aside and take some time to focus your attention on your gut feel




Business Contains Only 3 Things

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.