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Thought Tweet #665

by Rick Baker
On Feb 1, 2013

Thought Tweet #665 Do you know the nature of the relationships between the talents and work-tasks?

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Talents tend to bounce off tasks.

This is especially true when talents first meet tasks...talents often resist new tests.

And bounce off is predictable when talents meet repeated defeats at the hands of tasks...after repeated defeats, talents will avoid tasks at all costs.

It's like talents have egos of their own.


STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Let's Turn This Problem Into Opportunity

by Rick Baker
On Feb 1, 2013

Poor Innovation Ranking Dims the Lights on Canada's Competitiveness and Prosperity

“Overall, Canada’s ranking declined to 14th place in 2012 – from 12th place in 2011 and 10th place in 2010. But in the sub-area of innovation and business sophistication factors, Canada fell six places from 15th to 21st – no other top-ranked country dropped nearly as much.”

Ottawa, September 27, 2012

Conference Board of Canada


So - the studies are telling us...

On a global scale, Canada is slipping down the ladders that measure business success.

What this means is Canada is having a tougher time exporting its products and services while at the same time other countries are having an easier time selling their products and services to Canadians.

It also means Canadians are spending too much time tripping over one another’s businesses…thinking small and doing unproductive, repetitive things.

Here's the picture... 

This is about how the people in the rest of the world perceive Canadians: our clients are pulled toward other countries' innovation.  

It’s also about what’s happening in our own back yards: We are struggling too much with one another and that’s not good for any of our businesses…we sell cars at employee pricing, we advertise almost everything with an 'On Sale' message. While we think we are doing our best to compete during these tough times, hindsight will show we are acting like Nero, who was fiddling while Rome burned….we are fiddling while Canada's economic backbone is getting burned.


The Problem


Three aspects:

  1. We are falling behind other countries,
  2. We are struggling with local competition, &
  3. We are struggling with our own people…and not putting their Talents & Strengths to best use.
The Opportunity

Our business leaders are in the best positions to create opportunities.

The best way to do this is to put Talents & Strengths to Work [at work].

Here are the Major Advantages:

  1. It is Quick,
  2. It is Inexpensive, &
  3. It is the “Right Thing” to do...for their future, for your future...for our future.



Leaders' Thoughts | Solutions & Opportunities | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success

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