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@GKWCC #P2P: For CEOs - it's all about trust & relationship-building...for many others, this seems to be forgotten.

by Rick Baker
On Jan 15, 2013

The @GKWCC #P2P series of thought tweets contains ideas, quotes, & suggestions provided by local business leaders at "CEO Peer-to-Peer" group meetings, sponsored by the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce.

The goals of the thought tweets: to help local business leaders and to promote the sharing of business thoughts.

The thoughts expressed are not opinions of the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce...they are opinions of local business leaders who are Chamber members and participate in the Chamber's CEO P2P program.


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Greater KW Chamber - CEO P2P Groups | Leaders' Thoughts

Thought Tweet #652

by Rick Baker
On Jan 15, 2013

Thought Tweet #652 Seek the upside in ordinary tasks: seeking simple work and doing it well; knowing its link to positive outcomes.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

As the old saying goes, "There is satisfaction in a job well done."

There is more satisfaction when:

  1. You know the work, even if it is the most-simple of tasks, is a step toward a positive outcome and
  2. You do the work well.
Some people know this.
Others have to learn this.
Some have to teach this.
Leaders illustrate this by example: Mahatma Gandhi took pride in simplicity and practice of walking; Napoleon Bonaparte took pride in the science and practice of aiming cannons. 


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Goals - SMARTACRE Goals | Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets


by Rick Baker
On Jan 15, 2013

Why not expand your presentation of your chief aim?

The business gurus and the motivational speakers have extolled the virtues and values of aiming big and amplifying your purpose: 

  • big hairy audacious goals [Jim Collins' BHAGs]
  • wildly important goals [Stephen R. Covey]
  • shoot for the moon [Les Brown]

I think it is more important to clarify your purpose than to make it bigger.

You cannot assume the purpose of your thinking is obvious. So, when you are a business leader you cannot assume people know why you ask them to do stuff. You cannot assume people know how pieces of work fit together or how they align with your organization's goals.

You have to express these things.

You have to talk about your organization's overall goals...long-term goals. You have to talk about specific task-&-action goals...short-term goals. You have to talk about your personal goals. As you describe your goals and explain what you are aiming at you have to adjust your messages...much like your camera lens must be adjusted to capture short- and long-distance objects. This makes sure pictures are clear rather than fuzzy.

That's what I call aimplification





Communication: Improving Communication | Goals - SMARTACRE Goals

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