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Thought Tweet #840.5

by Rick Baker
On Oct 4, 2013

Thought Tweet #840.5 "I'm too busy". That's a real good way not to be thinking.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I favour abundance thinking over scarcity mindsets. 

If I think "I'm too busy" then I have a scarcity mindset with respect to time, the most-precious commodity...or darned close to it.

So - I must not think "I'm too busy."

And - I must leave "I'm too busy" to the people who embrace those scarcity mindsets. 

Thought Tweet #762

by Rick Baker
On Jun 18, 2013

Thought Tweet #762 Philosophy: when you feel you are absolutely underpaid and deserve a raise…earn one.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Actions speak louder than words.


Abundance | Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Thought Tweets

The Telephone-Tag Solution

by Rick Baker
On Apr 25, 2013

There's an ugly voice-mail epidemic out there.

Let's put a stop to it.

Numerous people are leaving voice-mail messages that go something like this:

"Hello, you have reached ____________. I am not at my desk right now. If you leave a message, I will call you back as soon as I can."

Isn't that just bizarre!

So 20th Century!!!

Clearly, a huge proportion of these people are either too lazy to update their phone-message or they delight in tricking callers.

Or, perhaps they do not know how to present an accurate voice-mail message.

Here is an effort at helping...'A Voice-Mail Message for the 21st Century'. 

"As you have noticed, I have not picked up my phone. Perhaps, I am not at my desk. Or, perhaps, I am making good use of my Caller ID service. If you are not my boss or our CEO or somebody in between, chances are very high I will not call you back. If you do not hear from me in 2 business days, please do not attempt to contact me again. My goal here is to waste no time; not yours, not mine. In case you are still on the line...for greater certainty:

  • If you report to me, I hope your message is only good news...if so, I may call you back.
  • If you are a co-worker, well you know enough not to waste your time leaving a message.
  • If you are family, send a text message on my unpublished phone line and I will get back to you in a similar way.
  • If you have an amazing new, cannot-fail idea...call one of my competitors.
  • If you do not know me...wake up...get with the 21st Century and get off my phone system."


Abundance | Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Communication: Improving Communication

Thought Tweet #684

by Rick Baker
On Feb 28, 2013

Thought Tweet #684 Abundance - seems to me Abundance is the ability to control your thoughts...What do you think?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Abundance is the ability to control your thoughts...and this is easier if you have good health, a level of intelligence, and a level of financial comfort. 


Abundance | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #496

by Rick Baker
On Jun 11, 2012

Thought Tweet #496 Perhaps, we can do anything; definitely, we can do better.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

In his 1926 classic, 'The Secret of the Ages', Robert Collier wrote about the power of thought and the Law of Attraction. He described how thought could accomplish anything, even avoidance of death. I know people who believe that is true. Most people do not believe it.

I believe we can use thought to do better. [That's a good start isn't it?]


Abundance | Beyond Business | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #478

by Rick Baker
On May 16, 2012

Thought Tweet #478 We simply must spend more time imagining Possibilities.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Robert Collier wrote, "Think of things - not as they are but as they MIGHT be." ...'The SECRET Of The Ages', (1926)

If we follow Robert Collier's advice then we will get beyond our personal biases, especially our tendency to judge others harshly. And, we will create.

Robert Collier, 'The SECRET Of The Ages', (1926)


Abundance | Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Beyond Business | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.