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There is no scarcity of Scarcity Mindset

by Rick Baker
On Jun 1, 2011
That’s not a complaint.
It is simply a fact.
I know this because I cannot stop myself from observing people, listening to them, and watching how they react to other people’s ideas and requests.
Last month, I wrote a little Thought Post entitled Let’s get rid of Scarcity Mindset.
Now, like most ‘blog sites’, our Thought Post site provides readers the opportunity to rate our Thought Posts. Our site has little stars at the bottom of each posting…readers can select and enter 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars, 4 stars, or 5 stars.
Generally readers do not rate our Thought Posts. That’s typical of blog sites, unless maybe the person who does the writing is really, really gifted. [I aspire to that…and…clearly I have some work to do…but…I digress.] It seems a posting must really annoy or really resonate before people take the time to rate it.
It is interesting to note, the Thought Post about getting rid of Scarcity Mindset received 2 ratings: one was 1 star and one was 5 stars…so, the average is 3 stars. Now, I assume the person who rated it 5 stars liked the posting and agrees with its message.
But – what about the person who gave the 1 star rating?
  • Perhaps, this person agrees we should work to get rid of Scarcity Mindsets but thinks I did a poor job of delivering that message?
  • Perhaps, this person disagrees with the message and thinks we should not get rid of Scarcity Mindsets?
  • Perhaps, this person thinks something else?
We will never know…unless the person provides comments to clarify.
I do know scarcity mindsets permeate many business environments. So, I will keep writing in an effort to help folks understand the problem so they have a chance to fix it before it causes too much damage.
During the last 2 weeks, people have talked to me about 3 separate instances of scarcity mindset in the workplace. When people describe their situations they usually do not use the words ‘scarcity mindset’…people usually talk about the results they see/hear, not the underlying cause.
Perhaps I need to write more clearly…
Scarcity Mindset is an underlying cause…a fear-driven, underlying cause
Scarcity Mindset leads to many poor decisions, inappropriate actions, and workplace stresses

Let’s get rid of Scarcity Mindset

by Rick Baker
On May 4, 2011
Scarcity mindsets sure wreak havoc in our business community!
Scarcity thinking invades our business environment. Scarcity thinking attacks abundance thinking. To the extent people embrace scarcity thinking, abundance thinking is beaten…and hungry business people fight for their pieces of the shrinking pie.
Often, when people think they cannot have something they want it all the more…the scarcity of it creates the intense need. So, scarcity mindsets can grow and spread very quickly.
If people in our community wish to enjoy sustainable businesses then it is time to correct the damage caused by scarcity mindsets.
Some questions to consider:
  • How many of your best friends have scarcity mindsets?
  • How do you build trust with people who have scarcity mindsets?
  • How do you build long-term relationships with people who have scarcity mindsets?
If your personal relationships are laced with scarcity mindsets and ‘all is well’ then this Thought Post contains little value for you.
If your personal relationships are laced with abundance mindsets then compare your personal relationships and activities with your business relationships and activities.
To start this process, think about some specific business actions…as examples, during your workday do you:
  • Drive for hard, win-lose deals?
  • Stretch accounts payable?
  • Cut quality corners when you can get away with it?
If the actions you take while at work had a voice then what would that voice broadcast about your mindset:
  • Would it say you have a mindset of abundance?
  • Would it say you have a mindset of scarcity?



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