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Negative thinking cannot be band-aided into insignificance: it is a thick, multi-layered, multi-textured problem.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 21, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When you witness negativity, what do you think?

  • Do you have the ability to understand the negative person's position/situation/perspective?

When you witness negativity, what do you do?

  • Do you deliver the help that is required, to the extent you have the ability to help?

What if that negativity you witness is your own?


People want to hear positive messages…give them what they want...deliver some positive messages.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 18, 2020

The Thinking Behind the Tweet

We tested positive and negative marketing messages. We tried both "in these tough economic times" and "to build for the future". We found our positive messages were twice as successful as our negative messages. So we work to keep our communications on the positive side of centre.

Conflict at our offices: is it a foe or a friend?

by Rick Baker
On May 8, 2017

I have experienced some synchronicity around this topic...I have witnessed several unrelated instances...some people have complained about the interpersonal damages done by office conflict while others have applauded the value office conflicts have injected into innovative and creative processes. 

Business empires have been built around office conflicts and 'crucial conversations'. In some cases the empires are bestselling books, must-do and how-to manuals aimed at teaching people how to diffuse, reduce, remove office conflicts. At the other end of the spectrum, we have a touted genius-of-our-time and an empire formed around the legacy of a partially-eaten apple. 

And, interpersonal conflicts create huge challenges in family businesses: parent-child rifts, sibling rivalry, family distrusts. When these entrenchments exist it is easy to determine the cause/fault. It always rests with the other guy! 

On the other hand, according to some experts, strongly-expressed differences of opinion lead to creative breakthroughs. Thick-skinned people locking horns in boardrooms and other meeting rooms...generating many diverse ideas...reaching a single decision...enjoying consensus...working in unison...achieving desired goals. 

Radically different views about Office Conflicts!

What's your personal comfort zone?

Your comfort zone: that's the key area...

What's your personal comfort zone?

  1. How far are you prepared to stretch your comfort zone to accommodate other people's viewpoints? 
  2. How open are you to accept different styles of communication when other people express their viewpoints?
  3. How clearly do you communicate your personal values and rules?

Put another way:

  1. Are you open to 'possibilities and 'new things'?
  2. Are you open to different personalities and communication styles?
  3. Do you know and share these important aspects of your character...telling stories to explain why you are the way you are?
As the ancient Greek maxim goes - "Know Thyself".

When you know yourself and know how to share important aspects of yourself with others you have the opportunity to be part of teams that excel at communication.
Internally - These successful teams may operate in friendly ways or in not-so-friendly ways.
Externally - These successful teams will present a unified front.
From Your Perspective - These successful teams will be inspiring, productive and gratifying.

Do you choose to pay your bills on time?

by Rick Baker
On Mar 16, 2017

You have a choice in business. You can choose to pay your bills on time or you can choose to not pay your bills on time.

As a general rule, people who choose to not pay their bills on time have mediocre if any success in business.

It doesn’t matter if you believe in the law of attraction or not. That isn't what I'm talking about here. I’m talking about observation of successful and not-successful business people.

Successful people – people who enjoy long-term, sustained business success – pay their bills on time.

People who do not pay their bills on time may achieve short-lived business success.

People who do not pay their bills on time, sooner or later, end up failing at business.

Observe your clients – do they pay their bills on time?

Observe your employees [your followers] – do their pay their bills on time?

Observe yourself – do you pay your bills on time?

If not, change that before it becomes the bad habit that kills your chance for meaningful business success.

‘Belief’ brings peace of mind, confidence & success

by Rick Baker
On Oct 13, 2016

Have you noticed when you truly believe something will happen you become calmer and have a greater clarity of focus?

Have you noticed when you truly believe something will happen your worries melt away and/or are replaced by feelings of certainty and confidence?

For example, consider situations where you have been confused…situations where you face many options and are trying to make an important decision.  In these situations, you consider and weigh some options. You deliberate. You decide. And, sometimes your thinking produces an incredibly clear decision, backed by not just decisiveness but also a belief that the actions to follow will result in achievement of the desired goal.

Of course, this does not happen with all of your decisions. However, it does happen for some. And, when you fully believe in the outcome - would you not agree - the successful result is almost guaranteed?  When your decisions are backed by strong belief, your confidence is bolstered, you have greater peace of mind, your actions are definite, and success inevitably follows.

Belief is the prime ingredient, the catalyst for results.

Stated another way…

"Belief is the thermostat that regulates what we accomplish in life."

David J Schwartz, 'The Magic of Thinking BIG' (1959…2015 audio book)


Belief enables us to accomplish:

  • Success – achievement of our goals
  • Confidence – an essential trait of character
  • Peace of Mind – which allows us to enjoy our successes, learn from our errors, and accept other people’s frailties


Napoleon Hill said...

What the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve.

[What a wonderful thought to keep top of mind...always!]

Negative Thinking – now, isn’t that a textured problem

by Rick Baker
On Sep 13, 2016

Not only is it textured, negative thinking is thick out there.

Negative thinking cannot be band-aided into insignificance: it is a thick, multi-layered, multi-textured problem.

  1. Some people overtly express their CAN’T DO viewpoints.
  2. Some people covertly express their CAN’T DO viewpoints to coworkers, friends and family - when the boss ain’t there.
  3. Some people hide in their safe spots [from cubbyholes to bunkers], victims thinking and thinking and thinking CAN’T DO.

#1 people, sometimes, just need an attentive ear to hear them out. Their intentions may be OK-to-Good while their communication skillsets are not. Or, sometimes, these people are just having one of those bad days. It’s worth exploring to determine if hidden gems exist beneath the complaining crust. Sometimes – likely, often - #1 people are crying out for help. As Eckhart Tolle said, “Most people respond to a cry for help with a cry for help”. That pattern is broken when people respond to a cry for help with listening ears, seeing eyes and thinking brains.

#2 people carry on because insidious behavior enjoys company. But that company is only enjoyed when it is limited to people who support or at least grin and bear relentless rainstorms of complaints and criticism. When confident people enter the conversation negative thinking is challenged. The solution is in the zone of crisis/wake-up-call. Unfortunately, more often than not, when the crisis subsides or the alarm bell stops ringing the negative thinking returns and takes full control.

#3 people can be ticking time bombs…nowadays, we can take that literally as well as figuratively. These people defy but need intervention of some sort. Perhaps, they have the ability to snap out of their deep negativity? Perhaps, wise, kindly-delivered help will support the development and use of new good habits aimed at moving from negativity to positivity? Likely, most people do not possess the wisdom and skill required to assist people who possess deep-rooted/fear-filled negativity. 

When you witness negativity, what do you think?

When you witness negativity, what do you do?

What if that negativity you witness is your own?

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.