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A Little Argument Against Being Negative

by Rick Baker
On Mar 2, 2015

When you focus on the negatives, you snuff out other peoples candles. What's worse, you smother your own candle...giving it no chance to burn brightly. And, while you are under the power of negative thinking, even when you believe you are going the extra mile and burning your candles at both ends you will never have the chance to shine brightly.


Many, if not most, if not all, people have this tendency to skip over the positives and dwell on the negatives. This is part of the human condition.

For some, if not many, people 'the negatives' become the cornerstones of their character. These people are harsh on themselves and more-harsh on other people. These people concentrate on and agonize over everything from petty mistakes to style differences to weather to...etc.

Embedded in each of us there is a spark. We use our sparks to keep our motivation candles lit. We use our sparks to keep our attitudes bright. We use our sparks to generate value for ourselves and for other people.

Unfortunately, some people out there are oblivious to these sparks. Unfortunately, some people carelessly snuff out their own candles and use up their sparks trying to relight their candles, which become increasingly immune to flame. Then, under increased negativity, their candles burn ever and ever dimmer and they are compelled to go after other people's candles. 

Our energy is limited and our sparks are precious. 

Negativity is wasted energy and spark-endangering.

Getting Everything You Want

by Rick Baker
On Dec 3, 2014

Sales and motivation expert Zig Ziglar said, "You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."

US President Harry S Truman said, "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."

What do you think?

Do you think you must give before you get? 

Do you think success is defined in terms of:

(a) the things you receive?

(b) the credit you receive?

(c) both?

(d) none of the above?

Let's assume both Zig Ziglar and Harry Truman are right. Under that assumption, people will maximize the chance of obtaining everything they want in life by helping others obtain what they want and allowing others to take credit for their achievements. 

Let's assume both Zig Ziglar and Harry Truman are wrong. Under that assumption, people should not make an effort to help others obtain the things they want and people should not be concerned about who gets credit when successes are achieved.

Of course, there is middle ground: people can help others from time to time and allow others to receive credit for their successes from time to time.

What do you think?

How do you want to behave...what are Good Habits and what are Bad Habits?


Consider your past experiences...

Has anyone ever stolen one of your ideas and presented it to the boss?...how did you feel when that happened?

Has anyone ever helped you achieve something you desired?...how did you feel when that happened?

You too can be too busy

by Rick Baker
On Nov 25, 2014

You too can be too busy.

All you need to do is brainwash yourself.

Keep repeating: "I'm too busy, I'm too busy, I'm too busy".

Neuroscience advancements in the area of neuroplasticity confirm this simple repetition of "I'm too busy, I'm too busy, I'm too busy" will really help you self-brainwash. With science supporting your efforts, indeed, you can experience the realities of an I'm-too-busy life.

So - while you still have some time - get at it.

Don't just give it a little lip service. Dig deep. Repeat, repeat, repeat: "I'm too busy, I'm too busy, I'm too busy".

Don't be shy. Crank up the volume as you share your message with anyone who will listen.

And, there is even more good news. If you want to hasten the onslaught of an altogether I'm-too-busy life, lace your repetitions with powerful emotions...like fear and anxiety. That will ensure you enjoy the full power of self-talk, also known as autosuggestion.

Simply put, the key to becoming too busy is: voice loud, emotional, and repeated proclamations of "I'm too busy, I'm too busy, I'm too busy".

I am confident you will put this I'm-too-busy strategy to good use.

Good luck with it.

The Law of Attraction...for unbelievers

by Rick Baker
On Jul 14, 2014

When you have a positive mindset you tend to see the positive things in situations and people.

When you are upbeat and enthusiastic about the future you tend to see the positive things in situations and people.

And upbeat, positive, and enthusiastic people tend to attract people who hold similar mindsets.

When brought together in a spirit of harmony upbeat, positive, and enthusiastic people tend to energize one another.

With high energy levels and positive mindsets groups of people are able to perform large volumes of goal-focused actions.

Naturally, all of these things combine to promote success and the achievement of goals.

With thoughts like those outlined above it is relatively easy to come to the conclusion that positive mental attitudes, reflecting belief in the abilities of people, can lead to better handling of a range of situations. With these mindsets situations can be handled well, in real time as they arise. Seeing people in a positive light and handling situations well are the proven ways to achieve goals and obtain success.

That is one way to look at the Law of Attraction.

I recognize this is a limited way of thinking about the Law of Attraction. I recognize there are far-expanded versions of the Law of Attraction that take people deep into the realm of metaphysics and cosmic thought.

The Law of Attraction does not have to be metaphysical. It can be thought of in common-sense terms.  It can be thought of in practical terms. It can be thought of in simple terms.

In simple terms, the Law of Attraction is - Like Attracts Like.

Positivity attracts positivity. Success-orientation attracts success-orientation. With these common-sense facts of life in mind, it is easy to understand how we tend to get what we wish for when that wishing is done with a mindset laced in enthusiasm and positive energy.

We do not have to enter the territory of metaphysical zealots to believe in the Law of Attraction.

We just have to step back and use a little common sense.

Thought Tweet #982

by Rick Baker
On Apr 22, 2014

Thought Tweet #982 When growth is stalled, many argue in favour of the status quo; fear of change often trumps common sense.

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

This is not a horrible dysfunction, it's just an all-too-common bad habit.

Why would a person not want to take chances, make changes, and grow?

Perhaps we should first explore the extent of their Fear of Criticism and their Fear of Poverty...see Napoleon Hill's 1937 classic, 'Think and Grow Rich'.

Linked to Fear of Poverty - according to psychologists, we fear losing existing things more than we desire gaining new things. Fear of loss outstrips desire for gain by a factor of about 4-to-1.

Do you feel that way?

Do you favour the status quo over change?

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