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3 abilities rise above all others: intelligence, willpower, & drive

by Rick Baker
On Nov 20, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet 

Every human being possesses the seeds of intelligence, willpower, and drive at birth. To a certain degree, and the degree varies from person to person, we develop these three abilities over time. The amount of intelligence and willpower we develop determines the extent we are able to express our strengths. Drive is all about putting energy to productive use...drive is innate...intelligence and willpower protect drive from negative influences [...both intrinsic and extrinsic negative influences].


An ideal way to help people: show them how to 'disentangle' the energy and power they, naturally, possess.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 19, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Energy & Natural Talent: 2 things we all possess.

But,  we rarely experience people helping us put those 2 things to best use.

Be the exception...help people disentangle the energy wrapped around their Talents.


The question shouldn't be, Is the glass half-full or half-empty? It should be, Is the glass half-full and half-empty?

by Rick Baker
On Sep 30, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Actually, the question should be - 

Is the glass at least both half-full and half-empty?

Rather than limit people to 2 ways of thinking and claiming one is optimistic and the other pessimistic, we ought to encourage people toview Situations and People's actions from multiple perspectives...by, for example, encouraging people to use tools like Edward de Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats'.

In some Situations, it is appropriate to consider what has been added while in others it is appropriate to consider what has been subtracted. Sometimes we need to consider possibilities. Other times we need to identify the need for urgent action. 

This goes beyond optimism, pessimism, and realism. While that 'mindset' differentiation may be important, with people or with situations, it also may not be important.

Situations & People deserve a lot more thinking than optimism/pessimism tests.

PS: That glass-half-full-glass-half-empty saying has always annoyed me. It is too cliché and it puts people into a 2-dimensional box when all of us know we live in at least a 3-dimensional world.


Abundance | Thought Tweets

We simply must spend more time imagining Possibilities..."Think of things - not as they are but as they might be."

by Rick Baker
On Sep 25, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Robert Collier wrote, "Think of things - not as they are but as they MIGHT be." ...'The SECRET Of The Ages', (1926)

If we follow Robert Collier's advice then we will get beyond our personal biases, especially our tendency to judge others harshly. And, we will create.

Robert Collier, 'The SECRET Of The Ages', (1926)

While leaders must set rules, they must also empower people to be innovative as they pursue goals.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 23, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Novelty in thinking and action have never been more essential.

Few companies have that sort of culture...so - most companies must adopt desire for change if they wish to survive and thrive.


Abundance | Thought Tweets

Educate your brain: don't just stuff it full of facts and demand it work harder - mould it so it does a good job of thinking.

by Rick Baker
On Aug 13, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

If you are thrilled with the way your mind and brain are serving you...terrific!

If you are not thrilled - take your mind to a better place...as one example, train your mind how to think more positively...another example, train your mind how to govern self-control.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.