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Thought Tweet #790

by Rick Baker
On Jul 26, 2013

Thought Tweet #790 Abraham Lincoln said, Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

And, as you already know, it is much harder to build up people and build up business than it is to chop down a tree. 


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Hero Worship | Thought Tweets

If I was your CEO, I would...

by Rick Baker
On Jul 19, 2013

If I was your CEO, I would:

  1. Create an organization chart, clearly spelling out the key roles and activities required for success in 2013 in this industry sector.
  2. Create a clear written Vision statement, describing what I want to see in 3 years...complemented by 3 personal stories to help people understand: Why (I want it this way), How (I want people to behave...facets of Character and Values), and What (things are Vital Tasks and Actions). 
  3. Set Goals, with first focus on: People`s Talents, Clients' Value Propositions, Gross Margin, & Cashflow 
  4. Put in place the tools that ensure the ability to Measure performance...a Performance Tracking System 
  5. Interview/review all staff, starting with the people in key roles, to determine if they are: clearly keepers, quality performers, or risky investments...taking talent to task
  6. Create and implement a People development Strategy: for each keeper and quality individual...with attention to role, role description, reporting, role-in-teams, self-monitoring and self-reporting...and with commitment to self-development, commitment to people & their Talents, commitment to systems (including Measures of Actions and results), commitment to self-development, and commitment to communication improvement.
  7. Create and implement an Operations Improvement Strategy: defining desired Client relationships and processes; defining philosophies about Money; clarifying what Service means (and how to deliver it); clarifying what Quality means (and how to deliver it) and clarifying what Profit means (and how to earn and collect it).
In summary...

If I was your CEO, I would set...

  1. the Required Strengths...an org chart picture
  2. the Vision
  3. the Goals
  4. the metrics and Measures for performance tracking
  5. the Right People in the right roles: taking talent to task
  6. the People Development Strategy
  7. the Operations Improvement Strategy
And, I would do those things in that order.

Thought Tweet #782

by Rick Baker
On Jul 16, 2013

Thought Tweet #782 A heavy dose of motivation does not cure lack of skill ills. 


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Motivation is a wonderful thing. However, on its own it does not guarantee action or mastery of tasks. Certainly, motivation needs some support if it is to overcome lack of skill. And, it takes time and practice to master skills.

Too often we conclude lack of motivation for the failures caused by lack of skill.

The Good News: skills can be developed. First, focus on important Tasks and the Actions required to complete those Tasks. Then mentor and coach...to develop skills. Motivation will follow...it will walk on the path paved by the hard work of practicing skills.

Leaders need to inject the Opportunity...the Opportunity to have the proper mentoring and coaching...that's the key influence behind skill development.

Cavemen: another tribute

by Rick Baker
On Jul 12, 2013

Cavemen had it tough.

Yes, I know some are trying to make it look like cavemen had it cushy. 

Don`t believe it.

Cavemen had it tough.

When major problems arose they had to pull up their big-boy loin cloths and face the challenges.

Cavemen faced a simple choice: meet the challenge or lose...and often losing meant death.

Imagine how tough it must have been to watch your next-door cave-neighbour do things better than you...hunt better than you, gather better than you, build a better fire...let alone have a more elegant and ergonomic cave. How tough was that on the lizard brain?

So, if you believe in the 'theory of evolution', take comfort in the amazing genes that survived all those challenges and lived long enough to create you. You are made of good resilient stuff.

If you don't believe in the 'theory of evolution', take comfort in knowing it could be worse. You don't have to live in a cold, dark cave. And, Mother Nature outside your home and around your office ain't gonna eat you. If not evolution, at least time has blessed you.

PS: Either way it seems to me we owe a debt to those cave-people who walked this planet before us. They paved the path in so many ways. And, they did it the good-old-fashioned way - without designer shoes. Head-to-toe hardship...literally. Amazing!

PPS: When I used the word 'literally' above I was not trying to imply cave-people were particularly literate. I mean - that sort of thinking is not etched in stone.

link to earlier Cavemen articles (i.e., the Missing Link)


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Beyond Business

Thought Tweet #779

by Rick Baker
On Jul 11, 2013

Thought Tweet #779 Be self-conscious. Be very self-conscious. And be positive about it.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We have been taught and conditioned to think of 'self-conscious' people as timid people, people who cower under negative self-images.

Let's give this another think.

Better still; let's replace that first-thought with a constructive thought.

Self-conscious is a good thing:

  • It means the person has given some thought to self...thinking about self is an important thing to do.
  • It means the person is aware of self...self-awareness is a valuable commodity. 

Self-awareness, like any other skill, takes practice. That practice should be done with an open mind.

Let's stop assuming self-conscious thought and awareness is only directed toward the negatives.
Let's assume that self-conscious thought will result in finding positive things like talent, courage, confidence, conviction, & creativity.
Put another way - "I was thinking and feeling rather self-conscious the other day. Wow, was I ever proud of myself!"


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Beyond Business | Thought Tweets

The Magic of AHA!

by Rick Baker
On Jul 9, 2013

We all have AHA! Moments.

These are magical moments when things fall into place, when things feel right & good, and when we feel at least a little bit wiser. Sometimes the AHA! is large and we feel enlightened and much wiser. AHA! Moments are among the most-positive internal events in our lives. They are linked in intuition and to insight, both powerful and constructive activities that occur within our minds.

AHA! Moments are triumphant experiences. They help us get over hurdles. They provide better ways of doing things. They change paradigms. They energize us.

AHA! Moments change our lives for the better.

So, it makes sense that we should maximize the number of AHA! Moments we experience.

How might we do that?

How might we increase the number of AHA! Moments we experience?

Can we design ways to experience more AHA! Moments?

I have given this quite a lot of thought and I have concluded it would be very difficult and maybe even impossible for a person to design ways to self-experience more AHA! Moments. On the other hand, it is relatively easy to design ways to increase the number of AHA! Moments experienced by other people.  

Socrates knew this and he set up a question-method that guided his pupils and followers to AHA! Moments.

A series of designed questions - baby steps of thought & action coupled with the art of good questions - is just one way to help other people experience more AHA! Moments.

Idea-storming - a free-flow idea generation process - is another way.

Properly performed coaching - non-programmed, free-flow coaching - is another way.

The benefits of paving the path for more AHA! Moments for others [and encouraging others to do the same for you]...

Here are 3:

  1. More AHA! Moments mean more learning...self-improvement - the best kind of learning.
  2. More AHA! Moments mean higher levels of work satisfaction...a great way to attract and keep top-quality people.
  3. More AHA! Moments mean you can ease off on telling, which often brings resistance...instead of telling you help by guiding.

When you stop and think about it, why would you not make increasing people's AHA! Moments one of your highest priorities?

Enjoy the Magic of AHA!



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