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Do you ask the right questions about your problems?

by Rick Baker
On May 7, 2013


[a Spirited philosophy]

For every Problem you bring to me, show me at least 2 Solutions and let me know if you see any Opportunities.


Some Questions:

Do you spend more time (A) working at solving your own problems or (B) watching other people struggle with their problems on TV?

Do you spend more time (A) discussing problems from reality TV shows or (B) discussing your own problems?




Do you spend more time (A) talking to co-workers about your problems or (B) thinking about possible solutions to your problems?

Do you spend more time (A) figuring out the causes of your problems or (B) implementing solutions to your problems?

Do you spend more time (A) thinking about your problems or (B) acting on solutions to your problems?

Do you spend more time (A) looking for opportunities linked to your problems or (B) seeking the root cause of your problems?

Do you spend more time (A) listening to others complain about their problems or (B) telling people about opportunities linked to your problems?


Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Solutions & Opportunities

I'm no Economist...

by Rick Baker
On May 2, 2013


I'm no Economist.

So, I have no delusion about being able to either understand the financial-facts and number-nuances or accurately forecast the future economy. I have, however, experienced instances where I felt 100% certain I could accurately predict the direction of [natural gas] commodity prices. Perhaps, I was lucky; perhaps, it was real intuition. Regardless, my big-picture financial thoughts are more-or-less limited to questions and untested answers.

I understand people keep digging up gold, diamonds, and other precious things...which, for an interesting range of reasons, people value. As precious things are found and sold and bought - wealth increases. I understand people keep pumping up oil and gas and digging up other fuel sources...which, for practical reasons, people value. As these practical things are found and sold and bought - wealth increases...albeit, the growth in wealth is temporary for the buyer who sooner or later consumes them.

Outside of that and other similar simplistic views about how economies work, my big-picture financial thoughts are more-or-less limited to questions and untested answers.

Here are a few of them:

Debt is increasing. So what!

Isn't that the normal direction we should expect overall debt to take? Shouldn't debt follow the same trend as wealth? About the overall trend for wealth...isn't that trend an 'upward-sloping' line with overall wealth increasing with time? To the extent human beings place value on Value and call it wealth...haven't they always and won't they always tend to create it? Put another way, to the extent human beings innovate [in the commercial sense]...won't that tend to create wealth? And, as people create new pieces of Value and wealth and then exchange that new Value with other people won't the exchange be accompanied, in some instances, by new debt? So, isn't it natural for debt to increase as wealth increases? Shouldn't we expect that?

And - Isn't the extent of debt limited by the extent of wealth?

Wait a second...I worked through that Enron experience...let me rephrase that.

Isn't real debt limited by real wealth?

I'm no Economist...but...it seems to me the answer is 'Yes'.

We cannot expect one without the other. 

Sure, greedy and tricky hucksters can and do balloon the presentation of wealth. [not to mention Enron, again]

And, other folks - for example, the suckers Barnum said are born every minute - can be overconfident about the amount of debt they can afford and they can and do become over-extended.


The aggregate of debt cannot exceed the aggregate of wealth...can it?

In the event the extent of aggregate debt gets too high relative to the extent of aggregate wealth, doesn't that get cleared up quickly with 'market corrections'? 

Don't market corrections reduce [right-size] both wealth and debt?

Questioned another way...

If wealth is not real then isn't the related debt also not real?

Don't stock-market corrections walk hand in hand with bankruptcy write-offs?

Don't these things pave the path for post-traumatic economic growth?


When we say "debt is too high" don't we also mean "wealth is too high"?


PS: related to this -

  • Do people, on average, take debt more seriously than wealth? 
  • Do people in debt feel more obligated to pay their debt than people possessing wealth feel obligated to state its value accurately?
  • Aren't interest rates simply a reflection of confidence in [future] wealth creation? 

Thought Tweet #725

by Rick Baker
On Apr 26, 2013

Thought Tweet #725 How do your inner insecurities handle themselves in tough situations?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Do they champion courage?

Do they cry out for help?

Do they fluctuate in-between?

Do you make the best of your tough situations?

Does your self-control grow?

Thought Tweet #700

by Rick Baker
On Mar 22, 2013

Thought Tweet #700 Tools: things that make hard tasks easier. 1-Page Tools: things that make really-hard tasks easier.


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

OK - quick - Let me hear your 30-Second Elevator Pitch.

Never mind that - quick - What's your business Vision?

No - how about - What's your Differential Advantage?


These questions are among the ones that stump most business people.

That's why we have tools, especially - 1-Page Tools.


1-Page Tools | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Seeking Simple! | Thought Tweets

Thought Tweet #692

by Rick Baker
On Mar 12, 2013

Thought Tweet #692 Aren’t you glad you work with people who are not too busy to learn how to improve at business?


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Don't you wish everybody did?

Thought Tweet #690

by Rick Baker
On Mar 8, 2013

Thought Tweet #690 Are you proud of your leadership team's accomplishments? If so, some questions to think about...


The Thinking Behind The Tweet

If you are proud of your leadership team's accomplishments:

  • How do you reward your leadership team when they achieve your company's goals? 
  • Are you sure those rewards will bring about continued excellence? 
  • How will globalisation and increased competition affect your leadership team? 
  • How tough is it to replace a person on your leadership team?


Leaders' Thoughts | Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Thought Tweets

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