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Sales Tweet #339

by Rick Baker
On Nov 3, 2011
Sales Tweet #339 Today. Talk no more than 30% of the time and listen at least 70% of the time.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
This applies not just to sales but to all conversation. People will tend to like you more if you are skilled at listening. If you struggle with listening the work at self-monitoring. A small percentage of people are born with the character trait known as self-monitoring. If you want to succeed in business and you were not born with this character trait then you have to learn it.


Beyond Business | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #337

by Rick Baker
On Nov 1, 2011
Sales Tweet #337 Find Clients for your Clients. Then your Clients will be enthusiastic about you.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Definitely, your Clients would appreciate it if you would lead by example and deliver a Client to them!


Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #334

by Rick Baker
On Oct 27, 2011
Sales Tweet #334 A little sales advice: Under-Promise and Over-Deliver …Under-Talk & Over-Listen
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
While people are very busy, somehow they manage to remember the promises you didn’t deliver on. And, if people are talking there is a reason for it. I mean, people have reasons for saying things even if the things they are saying are not on the same topic as the things you are thinking while you could be listening while they are talking. Rather than thinking all that stuff by yourself and waiting for them to stop talking so you can get your thoughts delivered…listen.


Communication: Improving Communication | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #313

by Rick Baker
On Sep 28, 2011
Sales Tweet #313 We’d rather hear less-than-perfect decisions than questions, which absolutely delay Buyer’s decisions.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Consider that Rule of Thumb before you ask your Sales Manager your next question.


Delegation & Decisions | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweets #308

by Rick Baker
On Sep 21, 2011
Sales Tweet #308 There are only 2 types of people who achieve Sales excellence.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
There are only 2 types of people who succeed:
  1. Those few, who somehow naturally 'get it' and seek their way to success.
  2. Those few who attend to other people who try to help them 'get it', emulate them, embrace their ideas, and sooner or later 'get it' themselves.


Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweets #298

by Rick Baker
On Sep 7, 2011
Sales Tweet 298 CHEAP people cannot sell!
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
If you know someone who audits and edits their restaurant ‘checks’ then know too that person can’t sell. If you know someone who shops around, say 3 stores, to buy an electrical appliance then know too that person can’t sell. If you know someone who always shops when stores have their sales then know too that person can’t sell. You know the person who either forgets his/her wallet or is always the last one to reach for it when it is time to buy the next round of beer? Yup, that person can’t sell too. The examples are endless: cheap people can’t sell. [They can barely handle buying.]


Sales | Thought Tweets

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.