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Sales Tweet #27

by Rick Baker
On Aug 24, 2010
Sales Tweet #27 When you buy things observe the sales people. Some are quite amazing. What are they doing right?
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Sales people will do better if they observe like Sherlock Holmes and ask questions like Lieutenant Columbo. If they must make a choice then they should choose to act more like Columbo because he was observant and he always managed to get the criminals to trap themselves. Links to learn more about these famous detectives.


Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #25

by Rick Baker
On Aug 20, 2010
Sales Tweet #25 If your boss is all over you then the best wrestling escape move is called 'Closing Some Sales'.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Often very good sales people forget to close deals. There are many reasons why this happens. Regardless, it tends to trouble both the sales people and their sales managers. Sometimes, sales people place the majority of the blame on the boss rather than on themselves. Actions, successful sales actions like closing sales, are the best way to succeed in the sales role.


Humour | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #23

by Rick Baker
On Aug 18, 2010
Sales Tweet #23 It happens. If a Client is in a really bad mood...don't push. Volunteer to come back another day.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet:
Here, we are talking about both listening and watching body language. If a Client is having a real tough day then it just might be better to end the visit and come back another day. One sales error I made taught me this lesson. I met for over an hour with a fellow who was in agony due to a recently-broken foot. All of us kept asking if he was OK and he kept saying Yes. The meeting was a waste of time for all of us. I could have saved all of us the time and the poor fellow the agony by cutting the meeting real short.


Emotions & Feelings @ Work | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #18

by Rick Baker
On Aug 11, 2010
Sales Tweet #18 Perhaps Probable Clients will tell you a fib or two today. Don't take it personal... they're only human.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
People lie. People lie a lot. Some people limit their lies to the point we can call them fibs. Some people set few limits and they tell whopping lies. Some people have no ability to control their lies. Most people set the liar-bar higher for others than they set it for themselves. That is, they tend to judge others harshly when others lie while they tend to forgive themselves when they lie. Or, at least, they struggle admitting to their own lies. This Sales Tweet is linked to self-confidence, self-image, and communication with others.


Beyond Business | Sales | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #16

by Rick Baker
On Aug 9, 2010
Sales Tweet #16 The tea leaves say a Client will call today to ask why you haven't delivered yet. Don't wait. Call first.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
Over-promise and under-deliver. That raises stress levels for all involved. If you are the recipient of the problem then you feel let down and perhaps cheated. If you are the cause of the problem then you feel at least a little guilty and obligated to recover ...or, you feel the need to hide. Since Murphy's Law does apply from time to time, problems do arise and sometimes we can not fulfill our commitments. When that happens we should make sure we call our Clients before they call us. Better still we should call them and outline a clear plan for the delivery of the thing we promised.


Sales | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

Sales Tweet #10

by Rick Baker
On Jul 30, 2010
Sales Tweet #10 Ah Friday. Who helped you this week? Call 1 or 2. Surprise them. Let them know what they did. Thank them.
The Thinking Behind the Sales Tweet
This message is along the same line as Sales Tweet #5…Friday afternoon is a good time to set aside 30 or 60 minutes to thank everyone who has helped you. Try calling them and thanking them that way. If they are not able to talk then write the thank you note. Resist the temptation to leave a message...while that's better than nothing...it isn't much better...messages are not too impressive. And, of course, there are far better ways to thank people than placing phone conversations or sending thank-you notes. You can create a long list of them.


Questions?: The Art of Asking Good Questions | Sales | Thought Tweets

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