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What we do not know has never increased so quickly....choose focusing over fretting...choose to use Talents.

by Rick Baker
On Apr 11, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Alvin Toffler predicted it. Now, we're up to our ears in it. 

People are strong when they have talent, opportunity, knowledge, and skills. While the knowledge requirement is growing exponentially, so are the opportunities

People have not changed.

People still have amazing Talents!

People need to focus more....and that takes more work because of the escalation of interruptions. [There's a lot going on out there.]

Talent can get lost...even young Mozart was too busy playing notes to focus his mind on quality music.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 31, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Apparently, even the greatest, including the child-prodigy composers, could get all wrapped up in their instruments and their talents at the expense of gaining the specialized knowledge required to excel. [Fortunately, they had mentors.]

Strengths = Talent + Opportunity +Specialized Knowledge + Practised Skills.


Solutions & Opportunities | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Problems are like icebergs: the biggest parts of them are below the surface.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 23, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We human beings have a curious habit. We tend to express problems in ways that conceal the real sources of our 'pain'. I suppose our egos make us play word and mind games...prettying up our real problems with make-up so other people will view us in [what our egos hope will be] a better light.


Habits: Good Habits, Bad Habits, & New Things | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

Problems can be like icebergs, with their most-troublesome parts hiding below the surface.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 5, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We human beings have a curious habit. We tend to express problems in ways that conceal the real sources of our 'pain'. I suppose our egos make us play word and mind games...prettying up our real problems with make-up so other people will view us in [what our egos hope will be] a better light.


Attitude: Creating Positive Attitude | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

Mistakes become demons only when they know we haven't learned their lessons.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 4, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

We give life to our mistakes when we allow them to get the better of us. As we worry about them, we give them power...the power of demons. When we learn the lessons they are trying to teach us, our mistakes no longer possess the power of demons. Objective thought is the key to learning lessons from our mistakes. Objective thought does its best work when our emotions are under our control. 


The 3 Prongs of Innovation: Invention, Discovery and Stumbling Upon.

by Rick Baker
On Mar 1, 2021

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

P=2S+O...for every Problem [P], think of at least 2 Solutions [2S] and keep your eyes peeled for Opportunities [O].

Taking a P=2S+O approach to problems: that's a proven way to invent, discover, and stumble upon innovation.

And - Curiosity is the root of Innovation.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.