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People are more inclined to follow than to lead; good followers enjoy huge opportunities.

by Rick Baker
On Nov 29, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

One of the most graphic examples is mob behaviour. A few mob leaders can inspire destruction and pillaging from many...just consider Vancouver's Stanley Cup embarrassment. As Mark Weber says, "If the bet is between People and the Situation, bet on the Situation". [paraphrased] 

Betting on Situations is, in essence, betting on people following.

And there's that Spirited philosophy - "Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations"

To accomplish their dreams, leaders must remember these related things:

Be the role model you want emulated

Anticipate and construct Situations

Unresolved, lingering problems gnaw away at brain energy. Attack problems and pluck that destructive power away from them.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 31, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The brain represents 2% of body mass while it consumes 20% of body energy. 

The brain is 'energy intensive'.

Much brain energy is consumed/wasted on negative thinking - i.e., wasted on negative feelings and emotions...wasted on rumination & worry.

You gain energy-value when you reduce your brain's energy-waste.

So - Tackle problems quickly: hit 'em high, hit 'em low...rip the ball out from their hands.

Most people tend to express problems in ways that do not reveal the true source of their pain.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 22, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

And most people reply to such cries for help with cries for help. [a helpful message from Eckhardt Tolle]

It's all about the huge influence our unconscious brain exerts, as part of the human condition.


Some people become problem magnets...attracting a never-ending series of similar problems.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 18, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Many of us don't see the problems coming let alone see we are the specialists who create them.

For some people - problems get totally out of control...arriving one after another...time after time after time.

Some people cannot get out of their 'problem ruts'. They need help removing bad habits. They need the benefits found in other people's talents & strengths. 



When Opportunities seek out people to visit, they pretty much avoid all the too-busy people.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 17, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Many people have a self-image of a too-busy person..."I am too busy to do that!

Opportunities prefer to visit with people who have some time to spend with them, some time to get to understand them, some time to hold their hands and walk with them....then run with them.

The more you hurry the more the Opportunities pass you by.


I'm too busy! - I don't have time! | Solutions & Opportunities | Thought Tweets

Here's a Catch-22: People get so busy 'in their minds' they have no time to address their own ineptitude or anyone else's.

by Rick Baker
On Oct 6, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

When I am inept I am overwhelmed by my workload. When I am overwhelmed by my workload I believe I don't have enough time. When I believe I don't have enough time I don't do what is required to remedy my ineptitude.

What a Catch-22.

Better fix that!


Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.