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We simply must spend more time imagining Possibilities..."Think of things - not as they are but as they might be."

by Rick Baker
On Sep 25, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Robert Collier wrote, "Think of things - not as they are but as they MIGHT be." ...'The SECRET Of The Ages', (1926)

If we follow Robert Collier's advice then we will get beyond our personal biases, especially our tendency to judge others harshly. And, we will create.

Robert Collier, 'The SECRET Of The Ages', (1926)

If you had no problems on your mind, how much would you think?

by Rick Baker
On Sep 24, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

I have shared thoughts about problems...for example, in 2011, I wrote some motivational experts are confounded by the word 'Problem'. 

Here`s another - sometimes our brains find themselves stuck in Problem Ruts. We spend so much time thinking about problems that we forget we can think about other things. Specifically, we spend so much time thinking about viewing problems as opportunities-in-disguise we forget we can think about other things. As a few examples, we can also think about: making the most out of a situation, inventing a new process, and making one small improvement to a specific task.

Errors visit us to make sure we haven't forgotten we exist to learn.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 22, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Sure, problems can be annoying. They are impolite, arriving at the wrong time and place. And it often seems they are visiting the wrong person.

If we find ourselves annoyed when problems arrive, we can look at that annoyance as a decision trigger. We can pull triggers that send bullets that injure ourselves and others. Or, we can take a bit of time to concentrate on our targets and pull more constructive triggers.

Let's not stumble along purposeless roads...let's construct better paths.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 14, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

"A person with clear purpose will make progress even on the roughest road. A person with no purpose will make no progress even on the smoothest road."

Thomas Carlyle, Scottish philosopher (1795-1881) 


When I think about this I wonder if it would be better said - A person with clear purpose makes progress despite the roughness of the road.

Then I wonder if it should be - A person with clear purpose will make progress because of the roughness of the road.


The smoother the road the less likely you will reach your long-term destination.

The smoother the road the less likely you will know or achieve your long-term purpose.

And finally...friends...

Let's not stumble along purposeless roads...let's construct better paths.




Don't muddle through the same old problems. Engage Talents and address new, more-lucrative problems.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 5, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

Some people muddle thought the same old business problems - day after day. [Often, 'people problems'.] These people experience stress and confusion but not success.

Some people learn how to solve the basic problems. And, these people graduate to bigger and better problems...and success.


Solutions & Opportunities | STRENGTHS: People-Focused for Success | Thought Tweets

Winners seek solutions and think of better places. Losers agonize over problems and fear uncertainty.

by Rick Baker
On Sep 3, 2020

The Thinking Behind The Tweet

The choice is yours.

Choose fixing the problem over fixing the blame.

Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.