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Mark Weber visited our Centre For Family Business again

by Rick Baker
On Mar 2, 2012

Mark Weber is a 'regular' guest speaker at CFFB...he has spent time with us once a year for a number of years now.

At this year's February breakfast meeting, Mark's topic was: 'Leading & Motivating'...a topic near and dear to pretty much all of us.

One of Mark's Key Messages:

"If you have to bet on the outcome...considering people and situation...put your money on situation."

The point is: Situations have a major impact on People. "When the situation is strong people with very different personalities will behave in similar ways or even exactly the same way." Mark provided an example of research performed on this topic: the Good Samaritan study

Mark put it another way, "Situation is an overwhelmingly powerful influence over what people do." And he added, "Human beings don't have a lot of bandwidth so they develop habits of behaviour to deal with that lack of bandwidth."

About Goals, Mark talked about research that confirmed, "Aggressive goals lead to unethical behaviour".

About running a business, Mark explained, there are skills and habits for starting a business and there are different skills and habits for leading. This, of course, has implications in family business. For example, the founder had certain skills and habits and as the business grows [or transitions to the next generation] different skills and habits are needed to ensure sustainable growth and leadership. 

Here is a great piece of Mark Weber wisdom: "Good leaderhsip is highly motivating. Bad leadership sucks the life out of all you do."

About good leadership - "...it is hard to pin it down and define it but you know it when you see it. So try to be a good leader but if you can't manage that, at least, avoid being a lousy one".

Mark outlined 6 Leadership Tasks:

  1. Define reality1: "good appreciation has has the same characteristics as good constructive feedback"
  2. Appreciate your people [this was Mark's Dad's #1 Rule]
  3. Have and communicate a Vision ...and having the Vision is easier than doing the work to make it reality
  4. Model the desired behaviour
  5. Focus on Learning2: "reward effort; knowledge, even after failure, endures"  [another terrific quote by Mark]
  6. Don't blow it: avoid behaviour that kills motivation3
Mark closed his excellent presentation with some advice he received from his uncle:
"People care how they feel about themselves when they are with you. How do you make people feel about themselves?"


  1. A Leader's reality can be defined up front: in terms of Values and Master Rules
  2. More about Life-Long Learning 
  3. More about Motivation


LEADERS - as defined by Deepak Chopra

by Rick Baker
On Feb 22, 2012

Deepak Chopra spelled out his thoughts about Leadership. 

L - Look & Listen, fully and without bias

E - Emotional bonding, your needs to theirs

A - Awareness of People and Situations

DDoing, being an Action-oriented role model

E - Empowerment

R - Responsibility, considering risk and exhibiting Integrity

S - Synchronicity, harnessing it



  1. 'The Soul of Leadership', Deepak Chopra, (2010)


Definitions - Spirited Words Defined | Leaders' Thoughts

Getting Present

by Rick Baker
On Feb 17, 2012

Often, we start meetings with a 'getting present' chat. Either we take turns answering a non-business question or sharing with one another how we feel...personal, but not intrusive.

We find getting present questions are a great way to start group sessions and workshops.

Getting present questions:

  • help People get comfortable
  • help People with one another connect
  • help People focus
All of these are very important things to do.
Why is it important to help People get comfortable?
Why is it important to help People connect with one another?
Answer: Some People are natural Connectors. Most People are not; most People benefit when Situations allow them to relax and exchange warm-up communication. 
Why is it important to help People focus?
Answer: Most People find it tough to concentrate; most People spend a lot of time thinking about the past, for example - the last task they were working on; most People spend a lot of time thinking about the future, for example - the work they will complete later in the day; few People are able to concentrate and Focus on the present. 
So, Leaders must help People be comfortable, get connected, and get Focused.
Tactics like getting present questions help Leaders get this important work done.
Leaders can obtain quick & straightforward help in these areas.
For example, if you want to understand more about 'getting present' and 'focusing on Now', check out:

Social Media - getting more than you pay for

by Rick Baker
On Feb 16, 2012

In this 'Age of Social Media' it is easy to get more than you pay for.

Never before has so much been so available to so many, so easily, so quickly, at so little cost.

'Never before' is a huge understatement: we are living in a time of learning & teaching frenzy.

Social Media - a pandemic of awesome opportunities...

...including The Opportunity - to give more than you are paid for.


Leaders' Thoughts

Process - Uncrushing Creativity

by Rick Baker
On Feb 15, 2012

The word Process annoys many people.

Some feel Process locks them in closets and beats down their independence. Actually, the exact opposite is true.

So, when someone like me talks about the value of business Process...for these people, it's like I am throwing a wet blanket at them...Process turns some People off. I see that. I hear that. It is between the lines and it is the lines.

I want to help People get over their aversion to Process.

To succeed in my job, I must do that.


I will let W. Edwards Deming1, the extraordinary teacher who changed the world's auto sector, answer that question:

"If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing."

And, I will expand on that a bit:

  1. Business Contains Only 3 Things: People, Process, & Situations [that's a Spirited philosophy]
  2. If you can't describe what you are doing as a Process, then you don't know what you're doing. [that's Deming's wisdom]
  3. Even if that Deming wisdom can be proven wrong on some occasions, if you can't describe what you are doing as a Process then you can't delegate to other People what you are doing.
  4. If you can't delegate to other People then you can't grow your business beyond the weight your single set of shoulders can bear.
  5. And - if you can't delegate to other People then you can't smoothly exit your business.

[Addendum - February 5th, 2013 - If you cannot delegate work-tasks to other People then, even if you do not want to exit, sooner or later you will hit the plateau where you will not be able to grow your business.]

On top of that, and of most importance, clearly defined Process helps People feel more comfortable and confident...making your workplace more harmonious, more satisfying, and more fun.
Process does not throttle creativity. The reverse is true. When the numerous repeated work-tasks are organized and well-defined People have two things that open the door for creativity: (1) they have more time to use their imagination and (2) they enjoy a more-positive frame of mind.
  1. Deming was visionary and he taught many people. For example, in his book 'The MasterMind Marketing System', Jay Abraham talked about what he had learned while working for Deming, in summary:
  • well-defined process is essential
  • process consists of finite elements
  • we must isolate and identify each element of every process
  • we must measure & monitor each element
  • we must compare each element against alternative: testing each with a view to enhancing and improving it
  • we must focus on the benefits each element provides 


Business Contains Only 3 Things | Delegation & Decisions | Leaders' Thoughts | Seeking Simple!

Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan

by Rick Baker
On Feb 14, 2012

Some business people Plan Their Work & Work Their Plan. These people feel most comfortable when they have spent the time to plan before they act. These people feel confident because their plan-then-work approach to business has been successful. They expect there is a good chance success will repeat itself.

Other business people Take Each Day As It Comes. These people feel comfortable about their abilities and see no need to spend much time planning. These people feel confident because their day-by-day approach to business has been successful. They expect there is a good chance success will repeat itself.

There is one more group of business people: people who are not particularly comfortable or confident. They, for one reason or another, receive no particular forward-guidance or positive-direction from their past experiences. They feel, at best, acceptance of today's business-at-hand. Similarly, they feel, at best, acceptance of the fact they will experience tomorrow's business-at-hand. They feel no particular need to plan. They obtain no particular gratification from work actions.

Self-development experts and business gurus teach support Plan Your Work & Work Your Plan

I am not aware of any business guru who teaches Take Each Day As It Comes.

I have written a number of articles on this topic...for example, Strategic Planning - Why Bother!

I know, and am fascinated by, a very-successful business leader who favours Take Each Day As It Comes.

I learn everything I can about planning.

Here are a few things I have learned:

  • Napoleon Hill may have been the first to write the phrase "Plan the Work and Work the Plan"...in his classic self-development bestseller 'Think and Grow Rich' (1937).
  • Experts have identified 'Plan' as distinct activity linked to the pre-frontal cortex of the human brain....Executive BrainSmarts.
  • Planning provides an opportunity to think through the possible scenarios and possible actions before they are performed...optimizing the use of talents and skills...and developing a mindset that understands we are not limited to accepting circumstances and situations, to a degree we can create circumstances and situations.
  • There are many ways to approach planning: if you want to inject some creativity then I recommend Edward de Bono...for example, Six Thinking Hats.



I just re-read Brain Tracy's 2003 book GOALS! [and I recommend this book]

In GOALS!, Brian Tracy provides the following answers to the question - Why Plan?

  1. To Organize your thinking about the key issues.
  2. To think through the Actions before you begin.
  3. To allow thorough discussion in order to identify flaws and say What if?
  4. To identify weaknesses
  5. To identify Strengths and Opportunities
  6. To focus time and money on those 1 or 2 vital things that are essential
  7. To save Time, money, and Energy


Copyright © 2012. W.F.C (Rick) Baker. All Rights Reserved.